Urban Jungle

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"You cold too?" Danny asked me when we woke up this morning.
"Yeah, you?" I shivered as he nodded and I put some layers on as we walk with Tucker to Sam's greenhouse.
"You ready to go?" Tucker asked as Sam scolded us about leaving the door open.
"It's like a meat locker in here, can you turn up the heat?" Danny asked as I tried to light my hair on fire.
"Anything?" Sam asked.
"I can't even light my hair on fire!" I grumbled as I went back to shivering.


"Ugh, Urban blight. I'm so glad to live in the 21st century." Sam sassed sarcastically as we walked past construction workers cutting down some trees.
"Me too!" Tucker exclaimed.
"There's nothing wrong with a little bit of p- progress." Danny shivered.
"It's still kinda s- sad though." I shivered along side him.
"Flesh dwellers. You have caused pain to my children once too often. Now you too shall feel pain. The pain of Undergrowth!" A large plant ghost bellowed as Danny and I tried to take him down. He caught us and released sleep spores making us fall into a deep sleep.


"Holy hibiscus! The whole city is a giant overgrown backyard." Danny yells as I jump awake and we try to break out of the large vines.
"Ugh, man no good. These vines are like steel cables. With sap." I said.
"Yes! The growth is far stronger than any meat creature. No matter how powerful they think they are." Undergrowth said as he came closer to my face. Danny trys to ghost his way out before two flowers stop his powers from flowing. "Perhaps one day you will see that this is what nature intended all along. Mankind is merely a temporary weed in the garden of life. A weed that can be removed."
"Danny Phantom bows to no plant!" He yells.
"Well, I'm not going to bow to you princess." Undergrowth snaps at me.
"Hey! Where's Sam and Tucker!?" I exclaimed as he showed us Tucker.
"And the human female, well every garden needs a caretaker." He grinned as he held up Sam who now was clothed in green, and her eyes matched.
"Flesh walkers. Your bodies are needed for work, and nourishment." She said as she tilted her head all the way to the side and Danny and I break out of the vines.
"Stop them!" Undergrowth screamed.
"Stay Danny, stay and rule with me." She said as we floated into the Ghost Zone before I blacked out.


"This is a medical facility in the realm of the Far Frozen and you two are floating in a de-icing chamber. Both of your clothes are in the wash. There were a lot of burs in your shirt. As for what happened, I'm afraid you're going to have to tell me great one." Frostbite explained as my eyes fluttered open.
"Huh?" I started before I looked down, at my light blue bra and matching undies, and screamed.
"Easy your Highness. I shall get you your clothes." Frostbite said trying to calm me.
Once he returned our clothes Nd we got dressed Danny explained to Frostbite what happened.
"I have heard tell of this Undergrowth. A powerful ghost he is. Capable of regenerating himself and producing numerous killer offspring. Nearly impossible to defeat." He explained to us.
"Heh, tell me about it. We tried to stop him but I don't remember much once the cold sensation started taking me over." I added.
"Ah yes the cold sensation. Your central core reading indicates extreme cold. As if your body is self generating it. I sensed it within you the last time we met." Frostbite smiled.
"How is this possible?" Danny and I asked in unison.
"You become invisible, pass through solid object, and emit beams of energy from your hands and you ask "how is this possible"." He laughed.
"You mean this is a new ghost power?" We asked again.
"Precisely. Though new to you it may be, rest assured it is an ability very familiar to my people. We are quite well trained in its use. Of course there are more practical uses for it as well." He explained as he made a diamond shape out of ice.
"Teach us!" We said again.
"Ok, but stop talking in unison, it's creepy." He cringed as we said ok in unison.


"Why are there so many of your p-p-people watching us?" Danny asked as we continued to shiver.
"Ha! It is not every moon that my people get an opportunity to see their leader train one as legendary as you, oh great one."
"You mean they're hoping we'll mess up, huh?"
"Indeed. These people live in a frozen wasteland. They take their comedy where they can get it. Now then, lesson one: stop shivering." He said.
"We can't..." Danny and I shivered more.
"This is because the cold is contained within you and ever since you acquired your ghost abilities you've only been letting it out in small amounts." Frostbite explained
"Like when?" I asked.
"Every time you sense a ghost is nearby." He responded.
"My ghost sense? That's been part of this freeze power all along?" Danny asked.
"But now you must learn to let it out all at once. Now then, concentrate. Let the energy build until it has nowhere to go but out." Frostbite nodded as Danny and I screamed letting out the frozen powers within us.
"Wow! It worked! We're not shivering anymore! Frostbi- oh... uh sky?" Danny asked as we turned to see a frozen solid Frostbite. I giggled lightly as I let some heat seep through my hands to thaw him out.

We continued to train until Frostbite taught us all he could for the day.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye. For now. I don't know how I can ever thank you and your people enough." I thanked.
"You can thank us by using your new abilities to rid your world of the evil ghost vermin that infests it." Frostbite smiled proudly at us.
"Yeah. I-I just...what if we can't beat him? If we can never go home again. Maybe we could just stay here with you." Danny starts as I lightly rub his back.
"No!" A few far frozen people yelled in fear.
"Fear is natural Danny Phantom. Charging into battle despite the fear is what makes someone a hero. A hero must always believe that he will win. And your new abilities just may help. Be mindful. You control the power. It does not control you." Frostbite reassured us as we waved and flew back.
"If the lab looks like this, I can't imagine what the rest of the town looks like." I whispered to Danny as he grabbed my hand and we flew outside.
"Danny, welcome back. I thought you were gone for good Sky." She hissed.
"Sam, we have to get you out of here." I swallowed hard.
"No. I like it here. Undergrowth has made all things new. They need me. I am their new mother." She snarled.
"What? You won't even babysit your cousins. We have to get out of here now. Where's everybody else?" I exclaimed as she snapped her fingers and flowers with all our friends and families inside.
"Our friends. Our families. What are you doing?" Danny yelled.
"They will be used as nutrients for the children. All that matters now are the children." She grinned wickedly.
"And you two will make a great meal as well!" Undergrowth screamed as roots grabbed us and dragged us under ground.
"Danny!" I yelled over to him.
"Are you ok!?" He called back.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Freeze the roots! It'll destroy the plants." I said to him as I froze his root.
"Good Idea!" He grinned at me as we froze the roots and heard screaming above us.
"Bundle up. It's gonna get chilly. Watch out. The weather man predicted a cold snap. Hey cabbage face. Haven't you heard that cold air is bad for the plants?" I punned as Danny smiled at me.
"No! My roots. No. You cannot do this to my children. Agh! This is my domain! My offspring will inherit the earth." Undergrowth screamed out.
"Dude, I don't know if you realized this, but you're a terrible father. As a duly deputized protector of Amity Park it's my sincere hope that you've enjoyed your butt-kicking experience." Danny grinned victoriously as everyone started to wake up.
"What happened? Blech! My mouth takes like I had nine thousand shots of wheat-grass. Without the wheat." Sam cringed.
"And I had a nightmare that I was trapped in a giant salad bar. Ooh, garbanzo beans." Tucker shudders.
"Are you guys ok?" Danny and I ask.
"Woah, what happened to you two?" They asked us as I side hugged Sam, happy to have my bestfriend back to normal.
"Let's just say we have a whole new respect for nature." We said as I made a crystal and Danny made a snowball.
"Woah, you guys can do that!?" Sam's eyes glittered with excitement as she stared at the crystal.
"What's this for?" She asked me as I gave it to her.
"I'm so happy to have my bestfriend back." I said as we hugged.
"What about me?" Tucker's voice rose about four octaves higher then it should have.
"You guys all are my bestfriends. I wouldn't change that for the world." I laughed as they hugged me as Tucker ran off and came back with a lawnmower.
"Tucker, what are you doing? $5,000 to cut someone's lawn?" Danny sassed.
"All I need is one lawn and we'll be rolling in green stuff." Tucker exclaimed joyfully.
"Why do I get the feeling I've just done that?" Sam laughed.
"I am regenerating. I will take over ---Aah!" Undergrowth shrieked as Tucker mowed him over.
"That one is on the house." Tucker laughed as we joined in.

To the Girl with Turquoise EyesWhere stories live. Discover now