-Part 4-

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Group 1) -  Horror, Cross and Red
Group 2) -  Ink, Reaper and Sans
Group 3) -  Error, Geno, Sci
Group 4) -  Dream, Outer, Dust
Group 5) -  Nightmare, Blueberry and Killer
Group 1) Goes to the Cave
Group 2) Goes to Forest
Group 3) Goes to the magical pond
Group 4) Goes to Ocean
Group 5) Goes to the Mountain
Sans POV~
After everyone split into groups to search for these stones. I went with Ink and Reaper. Ink seemed to be like the leader of our little group so far. Us just walking through the small town with people eyeing us down like a 'what the heck are you guys doing' face. We payed no attention to them besides Ink, he was not taking any of this. Reaper was annoyed but didn't really show it, but I can see it in his eyes. Me I don't care what they think 'cause' I'm way to lazy to care for them. Ink then stopped and pulled out a map, me and Reaper looking over his shoulder. Out of the town was a forest where no one would dare to go. We all looked at each other and nodded in a agreement. We walked a little further away from the tree and was looking for the exit. We found it and made our way over to it. A guy out of nowhere jumped in front of us stopping us from going, he had a craze look in his eyes. 5 minutes have pasted and Reaper is getting irritated and punch the man out of the way. Then we left.
Time skip
After reaching the forest from a not so long trip, we made it to it.

—————————————————————It was beautiful, breath takering

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It was beautiful, breath takering. Even though we don't have lungs nor any organs, but whatever. We kept walking, looking carefully for anything that could be the stone. All of a sudden I heard a scream it was coming from........Ink. Our eyes followed where Ink was looking at, it was a cave. There was nothing wrong with it so I took a closer look at the cave. There a shiny little lights. Then there was more and more. Then I realised they were not lights but EYES!!!! I Screeched in fear and took a step back. Ink was in disgust and Reaper was fine. I then started booking it and ran away from that cave. Ink and Reaper was shocked by my sudden action then started to run after me. I managed to dodge all the branches that was in my way, while Ink and Reaper sort of tripped over some sticks and stones.
After running for awhile
I started feeling tired and slowed down, Ink and Reaper finally caught up and was panting with me. "Finally you would stop running Sans" Ink said trying to catch his breath. Reaper just stayed quiet. "Sorry" I replied. We took this as a chance to take a break from moving a lot. After all of us finished taking our breathes we started to keep walking.
Reaper POV~
After we finished taking a break we started to continue our journey and soon I started thinking about Geno. 'How was he doing? Is he Okay? How are we going to come back to them?' My thoughts were interrupted by Sans yawning. I looked over at him, he looks sleepy then I looked over at Ink he also looked sleepy. I then said " Hey we should stop here and sleep the night away" Sans was about to say something but Ink interrupted him by saying " Hey look over there!" We both looked at where he was pointing then we saw.....

—————————————————————A house, in a tree?? We all walked to it and knocked on the door

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A house, in a tree?? We all walked to it and knocked on the door. There was no answer. We knocked again. Again no answer. We knocked for the last time, there we heard sounds of someone being clumsy..... then the door opened up to let us see who it was and it was.... a lady but not any lady but an old lady. She looks sweet, kind, tired and..........scared. " Oh hello there, what brings you here to my humble home" She said with a calming voice. Ink then spoke " Hello Miss, My Name is Ink, this is Sans and this is Reaper, we came by looking for a place to stay for the night." " Oh come in, it's been awhile since I had some company" she said while inviting us in.

—————————————————————Her house looks really nice for her living in a tree

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Her house looks really nice for her living in a tree. She gave us a smile while walking into the kitchen. " Do you want anything to drink?" She asked we said yes of course to just having a cup of water. She came back with our drinks and gave it to us. She once again left to go upstairs. She came back with some pillows and blankets for us. She set everything up and sat down with us. 'There's something strange about her she seems really scared' I thought to myself. So then I asked her " umm excuse me but can I ask you some questions?" " oh sure ask away" "what's your name? And are you scared and why?" " My Name is Jenny" then she stood and thought for awhile "Well there is something I'm scared about......" she paused and and the other two was suddenly curious about that something she is afraid of. " There is a wolf roaming around here." She told us. Ink then said " Well we can help you with it!" She was shocked but then gave us a kind look of thanks. "you should sleep first." After that chat we all went to sleep.
Time skip until they woke up
Ink's POV~
I woke up before the others and saw Jenny standing near a window and staring outside. I stood up and went next to her. Accidentally making her jump. "Oh it's you Ink Good morning" she greeted me. "morning Jenny what cha looking at?" "oh just admiring the view" "Oh okay well I'm going to wake up the others then we can go" "Wait you guys need to eat breakfast first before you go" "oh yeah okay"
After waking them up and having breakfast
We said our goodbyes to Jenny. We continue our journey to find the stone. After walking for awhile there was a trail. So we followed it not knowing where it was taking us. At the end of the trail there was a maze............
What will happen next........
Thanks for reading :3

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