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Suitcases in hand, Hideko and Sook Hee hustled through the crowd.

With Count Fujiwara's clothes, a wig and a fake mustache, Hideko managed to disguise herself as Mr. Gao Phan Shou, stiff young man from China.

"Stay close to me and don't make eye contact with those men."

Hideko whispered to Sook Hee as they make their way to the ticket station.

Sook Hee made a small glance and saw some men rudely checking women's faces. A brief glances here and there; they steered away from the men that Kozuoki sent for them.

"Change this ticket to Shanghai. Be calm as possible."

Hideko hands Sook Hee a couple of tickets that Fujiwara booked for them to Vladivostok. Sook Hee nodded and made her way to the ticket booth while Hideko stand guard behind her, constantly checking their surroundings.

Tension arises every moment they wait for their turn.

"Please change these tickets to Shanghai."

Sook Hee said to the teller who in turn, frowned at her for a moment.

"Two ticket changes from Vladivostok to Shanghai?"

The bored teller asked with a raised brow and piercing stares.

Sook Hee got nervous by the teller's stare but she brave herself when she remembers the horror that would awaits them if Kozouki's men catch them, with renowned strength she nodded to the teller.

"Yes, that's right." Sook Hee said.

The teller sighs for a second and requested their passport. Sook Hee rushed and rummages for their passport, afraid that the teller will change his mind, handing it to the teller as soon as she found it.

"Lady Nam Sook Hee?"

The teller checked their passports, read it out loudly, his voice laced with doubt as He threw glances at the unlikely pair before him, satisfied, He proceeds to Hideko's passport.

"Mr. Gao Phan Shou?"

Hideko acknowledged him with a tilt of her hat. Seconds of contemplating, the tellers decide to let go of his doubt. He checked the long list beside him and demanded 3 more dollars which Sook Hee gladly obliged without questions.


Sook Hee hands him 3 dollars and took the tickets afterwards.

Ticket in hand, they boarded the ferry going to Shanghai.

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