G o o d f r i e n d

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When we got to set, i let Marcus sit in my chair.

"Ok, lets get started everyone. Scene 12!"

The director shouted across the room for everyone to hear

We all got into position and we were doing the scene where five tells eight that the world is ending.


I walked through the door and Aidan (Five) was sitting on the bed and i sat next to him.

Me: "Hey.."

He looked up, he looked so sad. Hopefully thats just for the acting

Five: "i need to talk to you.."

Me: "Uh, ok?"

Five: "we have eight days left together on this planet Eight."

I quietly gasped

( Just to say if your confused, Aidan and Delilah are acting and Delilah is playing as Eight <3 )

He held my face.

Me: " We need to stop it!"

Five: "Yes, but i don't know what caused the apocalypse in the first place."

Me: "Five.. how do you know?"

Five: "When we time travelled, i put you in a alternate universe, and then i went off without you, it was dumb i know but, I didn't want you to get hurt.."

He held his head low

I brushed my fingers through his silky hair

Me: "Ok.. keep going"

Five: "U-um.."

I rubbed his cheek gently with my thumb

Five: "I found everyone... dead, and you, you were crushed by rocks and other things that fell on top of you. You can see the pain and sorrow in your eyes..."

He started tearing up that was part of the acting and so did I too

Me: "We are going to stop the apocalypse, we need the Umbrella Academy."

Five: " That is true, but i found this prosthetic eye in Luthers hand. It has a serial number on the back"

He pulled the fake eye out his pocket

We both looked up at each other.

"And cut! First try, amazing work you guys!!"

I smiled at Aidan and walked over to Marcus.

"Wow! You did amazing, but who is that boy?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Lay off Marcus, he's a good friend!"

Marcus said in a sarcastic tone and laughed

"Uh yeah, ok"

I punched his arm.

Aidan is way more than a good friend...

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