Chapter 2

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I was watching Eren fighting those titans as they die. I was actually amaze to see a Titan killing another Titan.

"Calling for Shawn." I said as the device of my contact lenses started to show ghe face of Shawn.

[Yes (Y/N)-san?]

"They are fucking cool asshole."

[Really? Damn I should also go, but father needs help. Oh wait! Reminder the more you skip the time the more you got fatigue, you might actually collapse, so I suggest use it wisely. Goodbye (Y/N)-san have a nice day!] Toot toot

'Damn! He totally got nerves to tell it just now.' I said in my mind.

I started tk do my duty, I kill alot of titan.

"(Y/N) go look for that Titan and be sure it is safe." Jean said and I nod.

I went to the Titan and it look at me.

"Warning: he is about to get you." As what my device said.

I look at his fist swinging in the air. Too late.

"(Y/N)!" Armin said and about to use it maneuvering gear.

"YOU'RE CORNERED BY THE TWO TITAN." The device warned me.

I remember what Shawn injected to me. It might be handful but I have to know how it use. I look near the roof.

"Armin no!" I said and shut my eyes off as I feel my feet were in land.

"Oh hell no." Jean said as I open my eyes and he is looking right straight to me.

"How the hell did you just went here when you're there?" He ask.

"It's called teleportation, and I don't know how the hell did it happen." I said and look at the Eren. He bite the titan that was in my back and a huge smoke was around.

I lost my consciousness.


I woke up and I am in Jail. I try to struggling because of the chain in my hand and in my foot.

"Damn." I said.

"(Y/N)?" Someone called me with a familiar tone.

"Eren?" I ask.

"How did you end up here?" He ask.

"I don't know." I said.

"Alright brats, stop with the chitchat and talk to us." Someone said.

It was two male man, the one is sitting and having a nice posture and light hairstyle and the one was standing and seems to be a cold hearted man and seems to be boring in life, he is actually short.

"Now. Would you mind explaining why you are here?" The yellow man said.

"I don't know." Eren and I said in unison.

"Well we know what happened brats." The cold hearted man said.

"You two have an unusual power that creates a scene to your job. They might terminate the two of you. (Y/N) has the potential with this so called teleportation where she went far away and able to go somewhere in just a blink and you Eren you manage to block the wall of Rose wall in your Titan Form, people thinks you are dangerous while (Y/N) thinks she's a witch." The yellow man said.

I hold my laughter as the yellow haired guys said. My generation is different here so I have to hold my laughter or I might be embarrassed.

They talk about how they are going to let the judges will think about us and might be in a great use.

I don't think we will be successful with this one.

"Oh, by the way, we have your key and your mini dagger." The cold hearted man said.


My device isn't working because we are on the underground jail, and no signal was available near at the moment. That dagger was given by Shawn and it was a great use. What if they started examining that necklace? That would be pain in the ass that they might think I'm a spy.


It's been 3 days since we last saw them, the guards don't even give a damn if we are going tonuse the bathroom or thirsty.

"Excuse me." Someone said.

"Hoho! I never thought that (Y/N) is pretty and Eren oh! You that look was perfect." The girl with an eye glass said

"I'm sorry if Levi and Erwin took long to get you two out of here." She said.

The guards take us out but handcuffs us. We are walking on the hallway with this girl name Hanje. My devices starts working and it is trying to find a better signal.

"(Y/N) must be in a huge trouble because of her power. Jean saw it and Armin too." Hanje said.

"It must be hard." I said.

"Then I guess I must leave you two hear, the guards will lead you the way." Hanje said and close the door behind us.

"Now loading 100%

Would you like to hear an audio?

Yes / No / Later ?

It seems like you can't say a word so I will ask you later. Mikasa, Armin, and Jean is near around you." The device warns me about.

What audio is that? I was curious of the audio that I didn't realise I was kneeling and Eren was beside me he had a hard postion than mine because his hand cuff is already in the wall and he won't be able to move. While me, I'm just kneeling and I'm able to move but with handcuff.

"You should handcuff that witch, she might be able to create a huge mess." The priest said.

Shut up.

They were arguing on how it is good to have a living creature in the squad.

"For (Y/N) Rosewood, there is a two witness that see you 'Teleport' in one place in just blink. Is Jean and Armin are present?"

"Yes Sir."

"I believe (Y/N) was able to do that because she is near death experience. Erens titan form almost killed (Y/N) because there is a Titan in the back of (Y/N) when using the maneuvering gear. But it is a huge question how?" Armin said.

The Priest and the town folks started arguing. They are arguing that Eren is a monster. They keep on telling their point until Eren shout its opinion and Levi just kick him many times.

"(Y/N) do it for her self defense. As what Mikasa do to Eren when Eren can't control its titan form." Jean said.

"So you are saying that (Y/N) use its maneuvering gear in just a blink of an eye? How can you tell that if her Maneuvering gear hasn't enough gas?"

"It's true I teleport, but I do a self defense, I might die if Eren in titan form already kill me obviously." I said.

"Nonsense!" The priest blurted.

He is talking nonsense to the point that my handcuff was gone and I'm already in front of the priest.

"You talk nonsense too." I said and Levi push me back and it hurts my arm.

"I believe the two are in great use for the humanity. They can make the people find the freedom and take forward of humanity." Erwin said.

"If this two can't control their self, I will kill them right away." Levi said.

"Alright, I made a decision."

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