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I looked at Cayden next to me and, throwing my phone beside me, I frowned. Spencer had just called me talking weird, she started rambling on about coffee and how I know her. I think she was about to ask me out but hung up before she couldn't even say anything. I shouldn't have mentioned Diego, she seemed freaked that she was even talking to me while being with him.

This means that she feels the pull like I can. She likes me.

"I think she really likes you," Cayden says and I groan.

"What did I say about listening to my conversations?" I snap at him.

"Hey," he raised his hands in surrender. "the fucking moon goddess gave us super-hearing for situations like this."

"First off, don't use 'fucking' and 'moon goddess' in the same sentence."

"You just did." He pointed out and I growled at him only making him smirk.

"Second." I sighed heavily. "Situations like this?"

"Making a human fall in love with you when you have a mate in the near future."


"AND most importantly, you're falling in love with her." Cayden looks at me as I pause. His face looks calm but his eyes are full of worry. I couldn't help but beat myself up for lying to him.

"Cayden... I have already fallen in love with her." I whisper and he stares at me with the same look.

Cayden sighs and falls back onto my bed, looking up at my ceiling fan. I take this chance to lie next to him looking at the same thing he is.

"Spencer is different from the others," I tell him, I could practically feel his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"Jackson Hale has never been in love with a girl, much less with a girl he's barely talked to." His raven black hair falls to the side of his temple; he looks at me with his deep brown eyes and smug lips.

"She's my mate," I admit, there was a pause of breaths with Cayden. He wasn't looking at me anymore, he was staring straight up ahead.


"I don't know, I honestly don't care at this point. Whatever she is or the bond between us... is, I love her regardless." I told him.

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