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Walking side by side with Victoria blubbering on about what is like in a human school, I glance at all of the open shops ready for humans to waste their money on clothes that eventually become out of style. But Tori insisted that humans value art and fashion, they choose to wear what they want not because it's functional but because they appreciate the look. While werewolves aren't completely blind to looking presentable, it isn't an everyday worry we have for our own little society. We focus more on the functionality of our wear than how it looks on us. 

"...and so there this kid in my class that non-stop talks. All day! I have three classes with that annoying shit! Three!" Tori looks at me, eyes widened and a huge amused smile plays on her lips. "He is obsessed with wolves! If he's not wearing some cartoon shirt, he's wearing a wolf!"

"Well, to them wolves are just canines." I shrug. "Did you know they bred them to make dogs that serve mankind?" The human internet is such a wonderful tool. At the pack, we rarely use our phones - having a mind link has never been thought of as a superpower -  but humans are always bored and it really shows. 

"Of course, I knew. You are speaking to the human expert here." Tori chuckles, not giggles, no she would never. 

I spot a clothing shop with dark minimal wear, and it catches my attention, "I wonder if they would've bred us had they kept us public." Leading a distracted human lover to the shop, we enter rightfully. A small 'welcome' came from a busy employee. 

"No, they wouldn't. They'd just call us a servant of the Devil and hang us." This part of human history always rubbed Victoria the wrong way, she loved humans but their cruelty to the unknown was her least favorite part. 

"Imagine if they encountered a demon. They are the least safe species among humans." I almost laugh. In my experience, demons are mouthy creatures with no filter and a high sex drive with a craving for trouble. They trick and manipulate, it's in their blood. But that doesn't make all of them bad people, I have known many righteous demons with a good head on their shoulders.

Tori stops me, we're standing next to a wall of shoes and a rack of shirts. Her eyes reach mine, they are serious and worried. "We need to be careful Jackson." She looks around, and the store is almost empty, "Your dad is right, humans can be dangerous. We can't tell anyone about us. Even telling our future Luna was risky." 

Luna. That's would be Spencer's title. "I know. I wouldn't reveal this kind of thing to a human if I didn't one hundred percent trust her." Sighing from stress, "Once I have graduated from college, I will be instated as Alpha. My first act will be to discuss a peace treaty between humans and us."

Tori crosses her arms against her chest. Her short stature wasn't intimidating but her face was, "How're you gonna do that?" Her voice was low and whispering. 

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