Phantom x reader think of me

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He had never seen someone like Christine until he met her...The opera house was once elegant a place but it was no more. It's beautiful music silenced by the flames of the fire. You had followed your father to the scene hoping to get some first hand evidence for your newspaper article. Of course being a woman at this time, the article wouldn't even be read let alone published. But it was still worth a shot. You arrived outside the doors of the opera house. "What a wonderful place this would have been" you thought to yourself not knowing that what you had said was spoken rather loudly and everyone around you had heard it. "It was a wonderful place," a voice said, "and just as beautiful." You turned and saw a man in his early twenties at most than you. With two dreamy blue eyes that glistened in the sunlight. His hair was light almost blond, short and with a side parting."You saw this place before?" You asked slightly interested in his reply. "Yes many times. I use to watch a lot of operas here" he replied. You were now interested in this man. Not only was he rather attractive, he was wealthy enough to attend operas. But of course you weren't that shallow that you wouldn't get to know them personally before judging them."Oh really. How interesting. My names (name)" you introduced. The man smiled a wonderful smile that made your heart skip a beat. "I'm Robin Harris its a pleasure to meet you (name)," he said. You had wished that you could talk to him all day as he had that kind of personality where you could tell him anything you wanted and he would listen and not judge. However, you did talk for quite a while until you where interrupted. "Um captain Harris we need your assistance in the main room of the opera house," a small man said. You had only know this small man for a few seconds but you already hated him as he was the reason that Robin had to leave you, even though you were finding out so many interesting things about him. "Ok I'll be right there, " he replied and watched the small man as he walked away. You sighed as the two of you parted and you wondered if you'd ever see him again. You hoped so as it wasn't very often you met a man as charming, kind, hansom, rich and not to mention single. Once Robin was out of sight you began to do what you came here to do in the first place, which was explore. You began to wander around the front of the opera house. A few hours later you had gave upon your article as no one would give you the time of day to ask about what happened and what use would it be writing it if you didn't know everything. You sat in front of the giant entrance doors looking towards the street. As time passed the streets became less crowded. almost everyone but your father and a few other men, including Robin, where still hanging around. But you had no interest in what they where doing. Instead your interest was diverted to a man standing in the dark alleyway opposite the opera house. He was standing with in the shadows. His hair was a dark black and was slicked back. Half his face was covered by the shadows but the strangest thing was that he was looking right at you. But this stopped once he realised that you where looking back at him. You smiled hoping to make the strange man more comfortable but this only made him step back into the shadows. You had know idea who this man was or weather it would even be safe to talk to him but there was something that made you want to get to know him and you weren't just going to let him disappear. You look around and no one was taking any notice of you so you used this to your advantage and quickly crossed the Street. As you walked down the ally you suddenly felt a feeling of adrenalin. You couldn't see the man anywhere, but the path was a dead end. There was no where for him to hide or so you thought. You only noticed a small flicker of light behind the brick wall when you where about to turn around and head back. You walked closer to the wall to examine it better but got a surprise when you placed your hand on the wall and it moved revealing some stairs leading down. Having come this far you decide to venture down.

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