The whole point of writing this series is to record my current thoughts, feelings etc. so in the future I can look back and see if I made any progress in myself. This was never really meant for others and I write these vague enough so only I can understand what exactly was happening. Somehow this is nearing 300 reads though and I wonder who actually reads these and why. Did I see any progress so far? More than I thought I would make. All thanks to certain people being there, certain people leaving and a lot of reflection. This series started to turn more into a diary of sorts and I was contemplating stopping. I'm glad I didn't, it's still interesting enough to me. Sometimes now I come on here just to rant, talk about something I think is interesting or show some gratitude (not the best way to though). I still have a lot to work on and I hope my momentum isn't stopped. Overall I'm in a good place and I made enough progress to please me.
This is the first entry I did to actually explain something. Whether or not people care about why I do these doesn't really matter to me.
On a side note, longest entry so far. Hurray? Originally I wanted to keep these really short but overtime I began writing more and I don't regret it.