What they do when they are jealous

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He honestly doesn't get jealous easily, but when he does, oh boy. Let's just say he doesn't monkey around.( hahaha I'm dead inside.) He'll hug you and kiss you a lot. If the other person doesn't get the hint that your "taken" then he just flat out punches the guy and you both casually walk off.


It takes a lot to make Diego jealous, but if Luther or Vanya is involved then all hell breaks loose. He'll sit in a corner with on of his daggers or knives, to you he's just pouting but to them he's plotting where to bury their bodies. And after they leave, let's just say he wants them to know you already belong to someone. (Cringe lol sorry)


She gets clingy and hold your hand. If they don't get the hint she start to plant small kisses on your hand up to your chin. Then she just death stares the other person until they leave. When they do she'll start being all lovey dovey towards you towards you while your still confused.


To be honest he's pretty chill, but you both were out at the rave and a guy gets a little to close but you don't seem to have a problem with it. He'll be dead serious (ha) he hugs you from behind while you just stand there smiling like a weirdo. His death glares are scarier than Luther trying to dance.


Ah where do I start. He gets jealous EASILY but is very cute about it. You were drinking coffee and Five had went to the bathroom, your waiter comes up to you and started to talk to you. You were talking about puns to annoy Five with later, when he comes back he is less then pleased. He basically out smarts the poor PERSON that was talking to you, while he wraps his arm around you waist and pulls you towards him mumbling stuff he'll do to you later. (Ha)


Ben doesn't really get jealous, but when he does he asks you to talk to him forever. You have to comfort him because he gets sad and starts to compare himself to the guy that was talking to him. One being he was actually able to touch you.


She gets sad like really sad. She pulls you away and has a mental break down saying stuff like she isn't good enough,why do love, or what's wrong with me, ultimately breaking your heart as you hold and comfort her.

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