Storm lupin

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A/n Sirius hates violence because of his past!
3rd person PoV
Storms. They come and go but the damage remains from them. They are fierce and often frightening but that's not what storm Lupin is. Similar but less wind and rain. You see, Remus Lupin rarely got angry to the point he let it show but when he did the marauders called it "storm Lupin" basically meaning he was about to set someone in their place. These as previously mentioned were a rare site to see...except when somebody made fun of Remus' boyfriend of two years, Sirius Black. When the two came out as a couple a week ago they knew it would have positive and negative feedback. After two days they got used to hearing some people whispering or people shouting slurs at them as they walked down the corridor holding hands or showed any thing affectionate towards one another. Now that's all explained we will go into Sirius' PoV.

Sirius' PoV
Remus and I were walking down the hall our hands intertwined, a third or fourth year walked past me knocking into me and in turn knocking my care of magical creatures book to the ground. I rolled my eyes and let go of Remus' hand to pick it up. As I bent down I heard Remus wolf whistle and he in turn got rude remarks from others and I noticed two girls who's hands were intertwined smiling at Remus out of the corner of my eye: I stood up and turned to Remus "Remus John Lupin!" I hissed holding his hand again "I hate you"
"Then let go of my hand." He said bluntly
"No." I replied earning giggles from he two girls and a couple others who supported us.
"Honestly he deserves better than Black. I mean he can be gay but why is he with a black? What a terrible decision!" I heard a boy whispered loudly. Remus tensed beside me. Despite him being taller I could flip him round easily, so I spun him round a bit to face me "don't hurt him" I whispered
"I..wolf..instincts are taking over Siri." He whispered back. "Just stop me if I ever get too violent."
I tried to stop him but he let go of my hand dropping his book which I picked up knowing he would have a mental breakdown of his book was ruined.
Remus strode forward to the boy who had been pointed out by everyone due to them all moving aside to the wall as he walked past them. He walked up to the boy and took a deep breath. "Look kid, I don't like hurting people and quite frankly my boyfriend doesn't like it either. So I'm going to try my best but it really all depends on whether you're a jackass or not." Remus responded...semi-calmly. The boy laughed and rolled his eyes, "I'll show you how much better I am than black." He said and my blood began boiling but obviously not as much as Remus', who picked the boy up by the shirt pushing him against the wall, letting go allowing him to slump to the ground before crouching down before him.
1 punch.
"He's an angel"
2 punches
"A name doesn't define him."
3 punches
"He's better than you."
4 punches
5 punches
"And defiantly his looks!" Remus said all of these through gritted teeth. I was beginning to have small flashbacks of me and reg being hurt or me being forced to see reg be hurt by my father.
Tears prickled my eyes. I managed to walk over to Remus and crouch down next to him "Remus" I whispered. He instantly heard my voice and turned to face me and seeing the state I was in pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry baby" He said
"YOURE A PRICK MY GUY!" I Shouted back before standing up with Remus and walking back to the dorm our hands intertwined. I looked back to the people who never supported us in shock and looking at the beat up boy now gulping. "Adleast they will know what will happen" I whispered.

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