5) The Selfish Ride

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He opened a door, but it was a laundry room. Still pulling me by the hand, he opened another door and we were in the garage. 

"Get on" he said, handing me a helmet. 

"No, I'm not going anywhere without my mom's permission. And you said you were going to show me your room, remember? I'm not afraid of you," I ranted. He gave me a cold and angry look, "You better watch it girl you may not make it there." 

Strange thing about that comment, his eyes showed mischievous.

He walked over to an intercom and said, "mom we're going to Brandon's." She said, "Cindy and I are going out to eat at 7:00 be here if you want to go."

When he tried to hand me the helmet again, I folded my arms in front of me. Making sure I had his attention, very seriously, I looked at his Harley, then looked at him. I slowly walked to the back of his bike, studied his LICENSE PLATE, looked back at him, text his license plate number to my mom, then took the helmet and got on.  

When he realized what I had done, his laughed was scary deep saying "who thinks to do that?  Smart girl." 

As I was smartass smiling behind his back I turned to see he was looking at me in the rear view mirror. Knowing I now, had a full on blush, I quickly put on the helmet and leaned the other way. Truth be told, it was a really nice bike and I was excited, but that wasn't something I was ready to share with him yet.

My seat was positioned higher then his. I had a small back rest, but the seat was conveniently position so that my arms would be the most comfortable around his waist. I hesitated, but gave in right away. I couldn't prove it, but it sure felt like he had a smile on his face.

I was very impressed for the type of bike we were on. He respected every one on the road. I wasn't scared at all. I could have road like that forever. That's when I realized he wasn't stopping anywhere. So of course I asked, "are we going to your friends?" He replied "no". "Where then?" I asked. He never said another word the whole ride.

When we got back to his house, it was 7:10. I got off the bike and said "our mom's left." kind of a question but I knew the answer.

 Again, his deep voice threw me back saying, "that was my plan!". "So that ride was to kill time, I asked, trying to hold a brave look. 

"No", he said, "that ride was because when I first saw you, I decided the longer I had you holding me, the more exciting this is going to be for me."

I couldn't even tell you the recipe, to the rush that went through me.

Now, I was becoming really worried. Should I be feeling more fear? Everything about him excited me. But what if his intentions are to kill me?

Grabbing my hand, we went inside his house. When we rounded the corner into his room, he spun me around to the front of him really fast and let go of my hand. He did it knowing I would land on his bed. But what he didn't know, was someone had tossed a magazine on his floor. 

I landed okay, on his bed bottom up. But he slipped causing an embarrassing little situation when his face landed on my butt. He slid a few inches onto my back. I quickly turned over trying to slide out from underneath him. With no effort at all he pulled me back under him, using my belly as a pillow, holding me there.

"Don't move", he said, "this is perfect." (It was clear he was trying to hide his embarrassment). But at that point, the ride, the jet lag, all the excitement, headed straight to the surface. And as my eyes were closing,  ALL THE FACES I was looking at, were so BEAUTIFUL.

JesseJames POV

Wow, looks like jet lag took over. I pulled her shirt up, just enough to bare her belly. I just couldn't resist (call me what you want). Her skin was so soft. I laid my head back down thinking how being this excited is turning me to jelly. But there's still that selfish part, acting like a cling-on making sure I stick to the plan. She's messing with me now more than she ever did.  I can't wait until she wakes up. 

But a good night sleep would be best, so I carried her to her room to sleep. And I decided I needed to go do the same (like that's going to happen).

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