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After a heated session of kissing, we went back to the group. All the boys were smirking and giggling at our swollen lips, messy hair, and red necks. Kyungmi looked a little irritated but didn't say anything to either of us.

We got dinner and then went back to the house, each separating to our own rooms. I groaned as I laid down, my stomach filled to the brink with food. Chanyeol chuckled at my complaints as he laid on his bed. We both tensed when there was a knock on the door.

Kyungmi came in with a sigh and sat in the chair beside the table, looking at the two of us. We both gave an awkward smile to her, unsure of how to act around her.

"So, what you did today." She started, making me hug myself from fear. "I'm not mad at your actions. It's your choice to love who you love. But I am mad because you did it in front of my son. Bradley does not need to be influenced by that."

We let out a small sigh of relief, but we were still very fearful around her, which she noticed and let out a small smile.

"I was friends with Jisung and Yeosang, and elated when they got together. So, really, I'm not judging you. I'm happy you've found something like this with each other." She told us, making the two of us blush. "I just don't want Bradley to think that that is the only option out there. His father does not like homosexuality, so if all three of his sons turned out to be gay he would have a fit."

"But Kyle is straight?" Chanyeol asked, making her chuckle and shake her head.

"He's not. He just hasn't met the guy to show him. I've known since the first time he came to visit, just like you, Charlie." She explained, making him chuckle from embarrassment. "I accept you. You're a beautiful young man and I'm happy you found love."

"T-thanks." He stuttered, the first time they got along with each other in the ten years they've known each other. The woman turned her attention to me.

"You look just like your parents, it makes me miss them so much. I'm sorry I pushed you all away when I left. Tell them that for me, yeah?" She asked, making me nod and bow my head. "Thank you. Now, I'll leave you be. Have a good night."

After she left, Chanyeol came over and laid down next to me on my bed. His hand traced my own, examining it as if it was a map that leads to treasure. I gave him a small, gentle kiss on the lips, sighing and holding my forehead next to his.

"This is some crazy soul mate shit isn't it? We've known each other for three days and we've already had a make-out session in a public bathroom." I said, making him laugh.

"Never thought of it that way. I just know I'm in love with you." He replied, looking cautiously into my eyes as he spoke.

"Same," I whispered, watching his eyes watch me. I flinched when my phone alerted me of a text.

Unknown Number 19:56
Stay cute, Chanyeol and Hajoon. Enjoy your visit to my house and may your love last for a long time.

 Enjoy your visit to my house and may your love last for a long time

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"Wait, did you get this too?" I asked, earning a nod and a chuckle.

"I guess we're a little obvious to her, aren't we?" He replied, making me chuckle.

"But I can see where Hongjoong hyung gets his habit of taking black and white photos," I added, laughing as Chanyeol leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I moved over so he could kiss my lips, a gentle touch to his with my own. His kiss got deeper when I dropped my phone, holding his face to mine with a groan.

"I want you, hyung," I whispered, groaning as he kissed my neck.

"How much do you want?" He asked flirtatiously as he got on top of me, my legs wrapping around his instinctively. His eyes met mine with a desire to match my own.

"All of you, hyung," I mumbled, looking up childishly needy at him as he smirked.

The next morning, Hongjoong, Fa, and Max were all smirking as I limped down the stairs, bruises prominent upon my neck and my lips swollen. I blushed from embarrassment as Kyungmi smiled knowingly at me as I sat down, wincing in pain. Chanyeol came down and smirked, smacking my shoulder as he sat down next to me.

"Have fun last night?" Hongjoong asked, stifling a laugh as I glared at him. I decided to ignore his comment and eat my breakfast.

"Good morning, boys." We all tensed when the man of the house walked in, a bag in his hand. He gingerly kissed his wife on the head, a stiff smile on her face. He glanced up and saw the appearance of Chanyeol and I, our bloodied lips and purple necks.

"Hello, father," Chanyeol said, smiling happily at the man as I looked fearfully at him.

"Who's this?" The man asked, sitting down across from me. I gulped and visibly flinched as Chanyeol wrapped his arm around my shoulder, holding me proudly.

"He's my boyfriend." He answered in a proud way, making me look at him in shock. He smiled and kissed me in front of everyone.

"You're what now?" His father said, almost growling with hatred as he glared at me. I shrunk in my seat, leaning into Chanyeol for protection.

"Hyung, I'm scared." I quietly said, jumping when his father slammed his fist into the table.

"Don't speak Korean in my house, especially with Charlie. I don't need you to spread your disease everywhere." He spat at me, making me want to cry. I'd never experienced such hatred before for my choices in who I date, so it was a shock to me.

"He's done nothing wrong. The only thing he spreads is his legs." Chanyeol replied, causing Max and Fa to choke on their food.

Kyungmi glared at her stepson for his brave words to his father, and Bradley looked at me in horror. I was bright red as I looked to Chanyeol, who had a proud look on his face.

"Hey, I don't care what anyone thinks or says to me. I'm in love with a boy who loves me. If that means I can't come to America because my father doesn't want to see me anymore, I'm fine with it. I'd be closer to my boyfriend anyway, since he lives in Korea too." Chanyeol defended himself, holding me close and holding my hand. "I'm sorry for pushing you out of the closet too, baby."

"It's not like anyone didn't already know besides your father," I whispered, glancing at the man before me.

"I'm sorry to cut your visit short, but I don't want to see you again until you've been cleansed from your sins. All of you, including Kyle, will be going home." He announced, causing us all to flinch.

Eyes of Love (Book 2 In The H.F.O.S. Series)Where stories live. Discover now