Larry x fem! Reader

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You just moved into Addison apartments you Regret moving from Arizona. You go put your boxes in your room , you're tired and don't wanna do any thing your dad calls for you
"(Y/n)!" You go in to your dads room
"Yes?" You say shuffling your feet .
"Why don't you take a break and go meet the neighbors" your dad says looking at you .
"Fine I guess" you leave his room and go to the front door to your apartment you hear ur cat meow as you're about to leave "scruffy I'll be back later okay?" You lean down to pet him, you always loved you black cat scruffy he was the last thing you had of your mom before your mother passed in a car crash . You stand up and and exit the apartment you close the door and look at the number 405 it read . You sigh and start walking to meet the neighbors . As you went to go meet your next door neighbor you bump in to a lady wearing a janitors outfit .
"OMG I'm so sorry I was ju-" "it's okay you must be the new residents in 405 my names lisa nice to meet you " she holds out her hand for you to shake "the names (y/n) nice to meet you to Lisa " you shake her hand .
You guys exchanged a few more words "you know what I have a son about ur age I think you guys would get along great we live in the basement my son might be in his room. here take this" she reaches in to her pocket and pulls out a white key card "you can use this in the elevator to get to the basement if you decide to meet him tell him I sent you alright?" She smiles and you nod back

Time skip ~

You met everyone but room 402 and Lisa's son the people in 402 weren't home so you'll check back later . You head in to the elevator and put the key card in and go to the basement you go to the room and you knock and you wait for a response... there wasn't one so u walk in cause Lisa said he might be in his room you walk in and look around and look at a door that says keep out you say to your self "that must be it " you walk to the door and knock " come on in " you walk in and look at ur feet "hey I'm new here I live in 405 and my dad told me to meet the neighbors your mom sai-" you cut ur self off as you looked up to see a boy with beautifully long hair and you just stare for a second "let me guess my mom said she has a son who you'd get along great with " he smirks .
All you could do was nod as u felt ur cheeks start to heat up , you shake your head and force yourself to speak " yeah she did how did you know that ?" " that's how me and my best friend sal met he lives in 402 " he chuckled. You thought to ur self man he is so hot " my name is (y/n) by the way " "my names Larry" another boy walks in with blue pigtails and a mask ((ik it's a prosthetic)) "oh hello " you look back at Larry and back at the boy " hi I'm (y/n) " the blue hair boy nodded and "sal" you were shocked to hear a males voice for some reason "nice mask btw" sal sighed "it's a prosthetic " " omg I'm so sorry" you wave ur hands in front of ur face . "Its okay (y/n) you're not the first person to mistake it for that " he scoffs . you look back at larry as he sitting there in his bean bag just stareing at you . you think to yourself fuck he is such a beautiful human " well larry i got to get back to my place ash should be comeing by later " "alright later sally face " larry smiled . "it was nice meeting you sal" you gave a meek smile , "you too (y/n) " sal left and that left you two alone . "so do you like metal (y/n)?" larry looked at you "hm i dont know ive never really listened to it before.." you said looking down at ur feet . larry shot up from the bean bag and went to his entertainment system and puts in a a casette of sanitys fall but waits to press play "would you care to have a listen ?" he looks at you with excitement " sure" you walked over to him " i am always willing to try new things " he presses play and he puts on his favorite single by sanitys fall . "this is my favorite band called sanitys fall and this by far their best single then next able comes out next month . he has a big smile on his face as the music picks up and then he starts to head bang . you decide to join him and you have such a big smile on your face .

time skip~

you guys fooled around for awhile . you looked at your phone and checked the time "shit! i need to get back , larry ive had a lot of fun but i got to go can we hang out tomorrow or so ?" you looked at him "yeah im down " alight right cool! thanks for hanging out with me " you left his apartmetn and walked to the elevator and pressed floor 4 as the door closed you slid down the wall of the elevator and thought to yourself 'i think i have a mad crush on him but i just met him thats crazy i should have gave him a hug or something aleast but hey he said i could come over tomorrow ' you stood back up as the elevator door opened up and walked to your apartment door '405' you sighed before stepping in you didnt wan to have to deal with your dad so u walked in and greated by scruffy " hi scruffy " you picked him up and walked to your room , you opened the door to your roo m and set your feline friend down and plopped on your bed you looked up at the ceiling and started to thing about larry . you smiled at those thoughts . then those thoughts started to turn naughty you tried to shake them from your head but you felt your face began to heat up and you started to trail your hands up down ur body " no stop (y/n) " you said out loud to yourself i just met him i cant do that you thought to yourself . you turned on ur side to look at your cat "scruffy do you think momma would like me now ... i know your the last thing i have of her and i just miss her dad says i look just like her at times but now when dad looks at me he has a look of descust on his face " scuffy mewls and stretches he comes up to you and rubs his face all over yours " heh okay okay ill cheer up " your phone went off you looked

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