Apocalypse (Number 5)

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I was walking along the snowy paths of the street, the snow crunching under my boots. I huff and the fog of my breath appears in front of me. Suddenly a blue flash appears in front of my quickly, a boy around my age wearing what looks to be school clothes appears aswell. He's wearing shorts! How the hell can someone wear shorts in this weather.
He walks fast and holds his fists together, the blue light appears, I quickly grab onto his shoulder. Everything goes black for a second and I open my eyes to see everything...gone. All burnt to a crisp.
The boy looks at me, scared. He looks around frantically, he then begins to run backwards, I follow after him, not sure what to do. He stops in front of a big house, all knocked down and in flames.

"Wh-Where are we?" I ask.

"VANYA! BEN? DAD? ANYONE?" The boy yells inside the house.

He looks around again, and clenches his fists. The blue lights appear briefly but quickly fade away, he tries again and again, but nothing works. He falls to his knees in defeat, looking at the house. He breaks down into tears.
I quickly kneel down and put my arms around his shoulders. He pushes me off and stands up angrily.

"YOU! YOU TOUCHED ME!" He yells.

"I...", before I could say anything else he interrupts me again.

"I BET IF YOU NEVER TOUCHED ME I WOULDNT BE IN THIS MESS!" He cries more and looks at me angrily.

"I'm sorry...", I say, quietly.

He scoffs and walks away from me, he begins to run away from the house, down the street.

"COME BACK!" I yell. He continues to run so I run after him.

He ends up slowing down and pulls a newspaper out of a box, he reads it and looks up, tearing up again.
We slowly head back to the house he stopped at, in silence.
He walks up and looks around at the bodies, laying there unconscious. I look at them aswell, assuming it's his brothers and sisters.
He grabs an eyeball out of one of their hands, he puts it in his pocket. He begins to cry more as he looks at his dead siblings.
He sighs and walks away, again.

"Can we please talk?" I ask him.

"About what?" He snaps.

"Where are we? Who are you? How do we get back? How did we even get here?" I ask, frustrated.

"After the apocalypse. None of your concern. I don't know. You touched me", he says without any emotion.

"If you don't know how to get back, we have to get to know eachother, just incase we're stuck here forever. And what's that blue light that you came out of?" I ask.

He sighs and sits down.
"My name is Five, and I time travelled. My dad said I wasn't ready to, I guess he was right", the boy says.

"We can...survive this", I say.

He shakes his head and gets up again, walking away. He picks up wood and metal scraps he finds along the way. I decide to do the same.

The sun begins to set, we eventually manage to get to a clear kind of opening. Five and I set our materials down, we move the other scraps away and five begins to stack the materials on top of eachother.
"Cmon, we have to build shelter", he says.
I nod and help him stack everything.

Five and I finally finished our shelter, we've been surviving off bugs and any scraps we could find in bins. I cant believe we're the only two people left in the world.
Five is kind of nice once you get to know him.
I hear squeaks and some scurrying paws, I look to see a mouse. I quickly grab it and snap it's head, we have dinner now.
Five looks over at me and smiles, silently thanking me that I caught dinner.
I take the skin off the rat and stick a stick through it, I hover it above the small fire that Five built, and watch it cook.

"Do you think we'll ever get back?" I ask him.

"I don't know Y/N", he replies.

I sigh and continue to cook the rat. Once it's cooked I break it in half, I toss half to Five and he devours it, I do the same too.
The sun begins to set, the orangey yellow sun shines on Five's face.
It shows off his gorgeous hair, and his beautiful blueish green eyes, his dimples show up aswell.
I blush slightly, realising i'm going to possibly spend the rest of my life with this boy.

"Let's go", he says, standing up.

"Where?" I ask, confused.

"We can just walk around", he says. "Maybe find us some new clothes", he looks down at the clothes we've been wearing for 3 weeks, it's covered with dirt and has a few holes in them.
I nod and we walk outside our shelter, heading towards wherever.

Five and I eventually arrive at what looks like a clothes shop. Five walks in and he picks up something, a top half of a mannequin. He holds it under his arm and continues to look for things. He picks up a few clothes and tosses them at me, I examine them and keep them, Five does the same.
We begin to head back to our shelter.

"Are you seriously keeping that thing?" I ask Five, gesturing to the mannequin.

"That thing is called Dolores, and yes", he replies.

"Why?" I ask him.

He doesn't respond, instead we begin to walk faster back to our shelter.

We arrive and he sets Dolores next to his mattress, I roll my eyes and sit on my mattress.
I lay down and turn around, I begin to hear Five TALK to the mannequin. Who the hell talks to a MANNEQUIN when a HUMAN is right here.

Fuck Dolores, I'm getting rid of her.

I stay up until i'm 100% sure that Five is asleep. I grab a candle and light it up, I walk over to him and see him sleeping peacefully, he looks really adorable right now. A blush coats my cheeks and I grab Dolores, along with a few sticks laying around. I walk far out and throw the sticks down, I light the sticks on fire and a big flame grows. I chuck Dolores in and watch her stupid body burn.
I lay down near the fire, but not too close and end up falling asleep.

THIS IS PART 1! I'm gonna do part 2 like right after this lmao

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now