Daughter (Number Five)

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I was Reginald Hargreeves real daughter, not adopted like the 7 kids he adopted, I was his blood daughter. He sent me away at a young age but I found him again, and this time he can't get rid of me. I don't have powers like the 7 kids, but I am friends with them.
My best friend is Number Five, he's always been there for me but Number One was always cocky and rude and giving his unwanted opinion on things.
I roll my eyes at the thought of Number One.
The loud bell rings and I run out my room, time for dinner. I take a seat at the table and am shortly followed by my siblings. We wait for Dad to sit down, so we can start eating.

As we're eating I feel something hitting my leg, I look up to see Number One, annoyingly kicking my leg. I mouth 'stop' since we're forbidden to speak at meal time.
He stops and I continue to eat. Not even a minute later he starts to kick me again, I kick him back hard and glare at him. He winces from the kick but kicks me twice as hard.

"OW!" I yell out.

"Y/N! You're forbidden to talk during meal times", my Dad scowls me.

"Number One was kicking me and i-", before I could finish my sentence, Dad cut me off again.

"Don't make excuses Y/N, now go to your room or i'll send you away again".

My heart begins to sting and my eyes water, I can't believe he said he was gonna send me away again. I grab my plate full of food and fling it forward, the food covers Number One, I set my plate back down.

"What the hell Y/N?!" I hear Number Three yell.

I roll my eyes and storm up into my room.
I slam the door and begin to cry, he can't send me away again, i'll find my way back, he won't send me away!
The sentence keeps on replaying in my head over and over again.

"Y/N?" I hear a voice whisper as my door opens.

I turn around to see Five.

"Yeah?" I ask, quickly wiping away my tears.

"Dad won't send you away again, I know he wouldn't", Five says.

I stare at the wall beside him.

"And I wouldn't let him take you away", He quickly mutters.

I smile and hug Five tightly, as i'm hugging him I feel extremely warm, and end up blushing. What the hell?

"Th-Thanks", I pull back from the hug.

"Meet me outside at 11", Five says quickly.

Before I could ask why, Five teleported out of my room. I sigh and put my head in my hands, looking over at the time. 6:00, now I just gotta stay awake until 11:00, and sneak out without anyone noticing.
I lay down and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

I wake up and look over to my clock, it reads out 11:10 . Shit. I hurry and quickly fix my hair and tip toe out my room. I look down at the hallway, and see nobody there. I quietly walk into the kitchen, my breath hitches as I see Number One there, making himself a late night snack.
I duck down and attempt to creep past him. I step on a creaky floorboard and Number One turns around.

"What are you doing here?" He whisper yells.

"Don't tell dad. I need to see Five, just don't act like a dick for once, and don't tell dad", I whisper yell back.

Number One rolls his eyes and tip toes away, presumably to his room.
I let out  a breath i didn't know I was holding and walk into the backyard, I see Five sitting on a bench, looking down at the rocks.

"Hey", I smile and head over to Five.

He jumps and lets out a relieved sigh.

"I thought you were dad, but i'm glad you came", Five chuckles.

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now