Instagram (aidan)

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(btw you and aidan are both famous actors in this!)

I was looking through my Instagram comments on my recent post while The Umbrella Academy played in the background off my netflix.
As I was liking some comments, one caught my eye.

'I love your acting in <insert random movie>. You're so talented! Maybe you could audition for something in season 2 of tua❤️☂️?'

There were already several likes and replies on Aidans comment. Holy crap Aidan commented on my post! We follow eachother but never have actually dm'ed or commented on each other's stuff.
I excitedly type a reply.

<your username>
Thank you! I'll definetly consider auditioning, and you're a very talented actor too. Maybe we can get to know eachother more?'

I know it was a bit of a risk to reply like that, but oh well. I turn off my phone and continue to rewatch TUA.

I jump back on my phone and see many comments shipping Aidan and I, oh god. In my tagged, some people have already made ship edits. Wow, people are quick.
I check my dms and see one from Aidan! Aaaaah!

hey Y/N do you wanna go to a roller skating rink or something?

<your username>:
of course! what time and which one?

I can pick you up around 5:30? Here's my number so you can text me your address *phone number*

I quickly add in Aidan's number with a ❤️☂️ next to it and sent him my address.
I check the time and it reads 4:50. Shit!

<<timeskip to 5:30>>
I nervously wait in the living room for Aidan, my mum knows he's coming over and is probably gonna instantly ask him questions. oops.
I hear a knock at the door and jump up, walking over to the door. I open it and am greeted with none other than Aidan Gallagher himself.
He's so beautiful in real life.
Snap out if it Y/N! You barely even know eachother!

"Hey", I smile and I feel my mum walk behind me.

"Hey Y/N, and mrs <last name>", he smiles and looks at my mum.

"Hello Aidan, what time will you two be back?" My mum asks.

"Uhh...probably around 9:30?" He unsurely says.

"Hmm...alright...", my mum says skeptically.

"Uh we should leave now, cya mum", I wave bye to my mum and walk out the door, closing it behind me.

"Sorry about my mum", I apologise.

"It's alright", Aidan says and opens the uber door for me, what a gentleman. I get in the car and he gets in aswell, telling the uber driver where to go.

<<time skip>>
Aidan and I arrived at the roller skating centre, we pay for entry and get our skates on. I haven't roller skated in a while so I was a bit wobbly on them. Aidan was waiting at the enterence of the rink so I quickly but carefully skated over to him. We went onto the rink, only like half a lap in I fell over and laughed. Aidan laughed aswell but quickly helped me up, we skated around a bit more until it got a bit boring going around in circles.

(idk if y'all go to skating rinks but at my one they do games like skating limbo and skate tag n stuff and on fridays they have lights and smoke machines and couple dances it's really cool!)

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now