Letter 3

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Dearest Morgan
As I keep writing this, I bet you're starting to wonder how it is that I am still alive after you plunged that katana into me. Well, life and death hold a balance. One of good and evil, Ying and yang, karma and dharma -I'll get to that later- but you get the point there is a balance in our world. One that no one knows till they die. Unfortunately, thanks to you I got first-hand knowledge of what that is like. Let me tell you, Morgan, death is as cold and calculating as we make him out to be. Yes, him, he is a male...a dangerous and formidable foe...but part of the reason I can and must write you this letter. Anywho, when people die...in unforeseen and unfair circumstances, we are met with death and his wheel of possibilities. Which when I saw it....and spun it, only held one option for me. You see my beloved husband saw you for what you were and could rest peacefully, but me I was blinded by trust and love and adoration for the monster that you were! I loved you to the point of my own detriment.
When I died, shortly after I was brought to a hallway. A long corridor in which I walked and met the cold and collected death. The finality of him was confirmation of what I already knew. You had betrayed my trust. He looked at me and scoffed tapped his hand on the table and without so much as a drop of pity said to me:
"Only the stupid do not see their friends for who they are...but you are neither stupid nor smart. Do you wish for revenge?"
If I had to describe how I felt? Scared, frightened...but passionately angry. So I simply replied:
It was probably stupid of me to just go along with deaths plan. No doubt he knew where my taste for revenge would lead me, but he said nothing of it. He lead me to a round circle and spun it, the wheel landed upon contract. The contract would give me the chance for revenge. It would give me the chance to destroy you like you did me. So I took it, I think if I knew I'd be here suffering the way I am now, I would still have done it. Because I had to make you learn, I had to hurt you Morgan. I had to.
Love your dearest friend
Karma (a.k.a Kimberly)

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