The Compatibility Complexity.1

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TBBT: Season 3 Episode 23, The Lunar Excitation

"This is ridiculous."

Elizabeth removed her disguise glasses and rubbed her temples in frustration. She was spent.

The dates went horribly.

So far all the men:

(A) Tried to coax her into casual sex
She wasn't interested in purely physically intimate connections. In fact she'd rather keep physical contact to a minimum.

(B) Looked nothing like their photo
She didn't mind appearances, but the fact that they had to lie about it said a lot about them.

(C) Were Impossible
One of her dates asked her favorite movie genre. She replied with sci-fi. The guy mentions Star Wars. Guy made a crude attempt at the Vulcan hand sign. Unfortunately, he wasn't being sarcastic.

She had to physically restrain herself.

Although she did coolly bid him farewell with a sarcastic Vulcan "Live long and prosper".

The guy thought she was speaking Japanese.

So far, so terrible.

Liza felt her chest hurting mildly.
With shaky hands, she fumbled to reach a small orange pill bottle from her bag. She walked towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Swallowing two pills and downing them with water, Liza had to fight off the tears prickling her eyes.

"So stupid, why am I so bothered about this? This is highly illogical."

Liza looked over to her match board.


She went over to the board and started neatly taking down her failed matches' data. Looking over the two remaining dates she had, Liza bit her lip.

"Two more, if this fails..." She stared at her faint reflection from the glass board. "That makes two failures."

"I suppose I should try changing certain variables..." She mumbled to herself.

Be myself, huh?

She looked at the photo of her next date.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper


"Heyyy!" Raj greeted Leonard.

"What do you want?" Leonard wasn't in a good mood. He's mildly hungover, and a bit pissed off at Penny. Correction, very pissed off at Penny.

"We just wanted to inform you that date #1 is a success! The aliens have exchanged contact information and everything."

Some shuffling noises came and it seemed like Howard grabbed the phone. "It was horrifying."

"We're currently waiting for date #2 at the Cheesecake factory, feel free to come join us watch... the impossible." Howard greatly exaggerated the last bit.

They laughed and snorted together.

"Oh give me that," Sheldon grabbed the phone. "Leonard, I am held hostage by Koothrapali. If you find the dirty piece of sock in our apartment I will be free from the clutches of—."

"Not gonna happen." Leonard says, and hangs up.


"The Cheesecake Factory's not really a really good place for a date." Liza mumbled to herself as she stood by the entrance. Taking a deep breath, she strode inside.

The Comorbidity of Love and Insanity: A Sheldon Cooper FanficWhere stories live. Discover now