Episode 23 - the baby

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"Come on one more push" I hurd the doctor say

I use all of my strength left in me and i finally hurd crying
A big sigh of relief left my mouth

"Congratulations Mrs you have a healthy baby girl" a nurse said and gave her to me

She was so small and so cute
Tears started to drop from my eyes
And out of no where the door opened and Jack came rushing in

"BELLA " he said and saw the baby "is that..Oh she's so cute" he said

"Are you the father sir " a nurse asked

"Yes" he said smirking and looking at me and i just rolled my eyes "when will she be able to come home "

"Tommorow sir and congratulations on your baby girl" she said and left the room

"You know that I don't love babys a lot so keep her away from my office at home" he said and left

Oh god how am I going to do this
I have no one by my side
But I won't give up
I won't give up for her

The next morning I woke up and looked over to the other side where my baby was
She wasn't there
I started panicking
What is Jack took her
Oh my ..
I didn't know what to do when the nurse came in and she was holding her

"Good morning Mrs we had to take her so that we know that she is healthy and there isn't a problem" 
I smield as the nurse gave her to me

"Have you tought about a name"the nurse asked

I looked up at her and smield
"Yeah actually, Grayce, Grayce Bailey Dolan "

"Dolan? But it says here that your last name is Dail?"

"That was and will always be one of the biggest mistakes in my life... her last name is Dolan not Dail" I said looking at her
She was so cute

The door opened and in came Jack

"Come on Bella, we need to go" he said texting on his phone

The nurse looked at him and got out
She was obviously confused

I left her in her bed and got up to get dressed
I went in the small dressing room and got dressed

When I came out of the room I saw Jack holding her and smiling at her while she is holding his finger

"Don't touch her" I said grabbing her from him

"What, am I forbidden from holding my daughter" he said

"She isn't your daughter Jack and you know that" I said grabbing the baby bag with my other hand and got out of the room...

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