Episode 35

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Jack POV

I was watching tv when that baby started crying again

"Oh my god, I'm gonna lose my mind if this fucking baby won't stop crying" Ben said screaming

"Calm down Ben " I said getting up

I picked her up
She looked pale
And burning!

"Ben call a doctor! NOW ! "

"Why what happened"

"She's sick you idiot did you leave her to sleep next to the window?"

"Well I didn't know that she'll get sick!"

"Shut up and call a doctor!"

"Why tho, she is suppose to die anyway"


" okay okay calm down, ill call a doctor. Oh guess what? There's no signal here! " he said acting up

"Get the car ready"

"What ? Are you insane? They'll put us in prison if we get caught!"


"I will calm down. But if we get caught it will be the end of us"

Kate POV

I was trying to find where Jack is

"Well this was fucking useless! How am I going to find him!" I said and my phone buzzed

Jojo: Kitkat I found something

Me: what ?

Jojo: I found Jack on one of the security cameras in the hospital

Me: keep talking

Jojo: he has a suitcase and there's another guy next to him
I also found the second guys ID
He's name us Ben

Me: thx jojo what hospital?

Jojo: ill send you the address

I wrote down the address and called Grayson

Jack POV

They took her in one of the rooms and me and Ben were waiting outside

"What is taking them so long " Ben said but I didn't answer him
"If we get caught it's going to be your fault Jack "

I still didn't answer
I was lost in my thoughts
Ben was right she is suppose to die
What's gotten in to me
Why did I try to save her

"You're right" I said

"What?" He said confused

"We made a mistake taking her here, she has to die anyway" I said standing up

The door opened and the doctor came out
"The baby is going to be fine, the nurse will come and minute now and she'll give you the medicine that you guys need to give the baby, and after a week bring her back so I can check her " he said and left

"In a week she won't be breathing" Ben said with a smirk on his face

"Get the baby and let's go" I said

He picked her up and we started walking towards the exit
When Ethan and Grayson and a bunch of police officers walked in

"Shit" I said and we turned around"we cant let them see us , let's split up well meet at the back door" I said and Ben nodded

Why haven't I been updating ?
One word
Someone help me

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