Episode 26- Park

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It was 2 pm and it was sunny outside so I decided to take Grayce out

I looked at her bed where she was in she was awake and exploring the room with her cute little eyes
I smield

"Come on princess lets get you all dressed up and ready for the park " I say as I pick her up and placed her on my bed

I went and picked a pink dress for her
"This would look cute on you wouldn't it princess?" I say as I dress her up

She looked so cute in it " awww well isn't mommy's little Princess looking adorable, oh yes you do, yes you do" I say tickling her as her laughter echoes trough the room and I smield

"Come on baby girl " I say picking her up and grabbing my baby bag and my purse

I went down stairs
"Amber can you come and help me out here " I yell as I see her comming

"Of course " she said " aww Grayce is looking cute today, just like her mother " she said grabbing the stroller

"Thank you Amber " I smield and placed Grayce in the stroller "Bye see you later"

"Bye " she said and i got out as Amber closed the door behind me

As we were walking I saw an ice cream truck

"Come on baby girl, lets get ice cream"
There weren't too many people there
There was only one man waiting there

I went behind the man to get in line
The guy took a step back and bumped in to my stroller

"Oh I'm so sorr-Bella ?"

"E-ethan" I said as my eyes opened wide
He looked down at Grayce

"Is- is that yours ?" he asked pointing at Grayce

I sighed "yes "

"Is Grayson the father or-" he asked but i cut him off

"Yes Grayson is the father no it's not Jack i would never do that to Grayson and you know that Ethan" I said

"W-whats her name ?" He asked looking at her

".. Grayce, Grayce Bailey Dolan " I say

"You gave her Grays middle and last name ?" He asked looking at me confused

"Yes, I did. Do you have a problem with that ? "

"N-no " he said "are you gonna tell him "

I sighed " no I-I'm too scared, but if he asks tell him I aborted the baby " I said and he nodded taking 2 ice creams

"Bye" he said

"Bye " I replied and he left

Ethan POV
I still can't believe it
I told Grayson that she aborted the baby
He doesn't know about her yet

Oh boy what should I do
If I tell him he's going to be mad at me for lying to him

Oh god

Bella POV

I was sitting on one of the benches in the park eating my ice cream
Also this was the first time Grayce tried ice cream

Ethan POV
Me and Grayson were walking around the park eating our ice creams when I spotted Bella sitting on a bench
Grayson didn't seem like he noticed her untill

Bella POV

"Oh my phone, where did I leave it?" I say putting my purse on the bench and looking threw the baby bag

A young boy was walking beside me when he grabed my purse and started running

"My purse!" I yell
I turned around the way he was running

Ethan POV

"He just stole her purse! " I yelled as I saw a boy running towords us

Grayson tackled him on the ground
And the boy punched him
When I saw him punching Grayson i started punching him

"Ethan , bro calm down" Grayson said pulling me away from him
The guy stood up and ran away

"Whose purse is this anyway " he said picking up the purse
He stoped talking when he saw her..

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