Girl Talk

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Lunch time came, so I walked down the hall in the crowd of people heading towards the lunch room. Ugh I always hated walking through the hall with so many people crowded in one space. I've had horrible experiences in my past which kinda makes me go crazy in small places.

I had walked through the door and into the lunch room. I had walked over to the stairs that lead up to the stage. My lunchroom and the auditorium where kinda the same room so people liked to leave their stuff on the stage before getting lunch.

When setting down my things I looked up to look for my friends at the same lunch table as always. Some were already eating, or the others were already gone to get lunch. Coming late to the lunchroom always sucked. There were always Lines, even when we had 6 lanes of different food, getting in line was a pain.

When I got in line and finally got my lunch, I headed towards the lunch table. Most people were only gone and the usual sitting there was one of my old 3rd grade friends, Kylie.

That was the other thing that sucked about getting in long lines. When you got back from getting your lunch, technically almost all your friends were already gone.

But Kylie was still sitting there. So I sat down next to her.

"Hey Priscilla," Kylie said with a smile.

"Hey there." I looked down at the rest of the table. Only a few kids were sitting down, and me and Kylie were on the end of one side.

As we both sat there eating, we eventfully started talking about video games and famous YouTubers.

She had recently told me she went to Comic-Con which made me kinda jealous because she met Carl from TWD. FRIGGEN LUCKY.

We had both finished lunch and threw away our lunch trays. I'd say bye to Kylie and started heading down the hall to my 6th period class.


God here I go again.

I'm going to see him again. Don't freak out.

As I walked down the hall I saw my friend Kaitlyn. As I walked by I kicked her butt as she talked to her friends. But like literally and foot to the booty.

She turned around and looked at me.

"HEY," She said as she turned around. "Oh, it's you."

"Surprise loser."

"Why'd you kick me?"

"Oh don't act surprised. You know I do it all the time to get your attention because a tap on the shoulder won't do anything."

She looked down at the floor, "Yeah your right haha."

"Anyways, are we using math books in math today?"

"No not today so don't worry about it."

"Great, well I'm going now, the bells going to ring. Kick ya later," I joked as I walked away backwards.

"Please don't."

I turned around and started walking down the hall, "Sorry! Haha!"

As I walked through the doors leading outside, I looked towards the portables. My math class was in a classroom separated from the rest of the school. Which sucked sometimes depending on the weather.

Candido was standing outside the door. Just standing there. I could see him looking at me. And as I walked towards the portables, I usually looked down to ignore eye contact because I thought he would think I'm weird...

Some of the other guys in the classroom would come outside to talk and chill until the bell rang.

I walked up to the door, not making eye contact with any of the guys or Candido standing outside the door. As I opened the door I looked out the corner of my eye, and there he was again. Staring as I walked in. The door quickly closed behind me and I rushed to me seat letting a big breath of air out.

The bell rang and everyone started getting to their seats. The rest of class went by as we worked. In the class we were all kinda seated differently so this was technically the class where I did all the watching towards Candido. I always turned around to take a glimpse of perfect existence.

Wow, I liked him so much, and he didn't even know it.

I wonder if he thinks the same about me too.. And doesn't look at me just because I'm weird.

The bell soon rang to go to the last period of the day.

P.E. Was my next class. It was kinda my 'Gossip Period'. Since I had P.E. With just a bunch of girls, we always sat and talked before and after class.

I walked in putting my stuff down and changed into my P.E. Clothes. I walked into the gym and girls were already in there talking and messing around.

Ana, One of my good friends was there talking to another girl named Gabby.

Ana saw me and walked up towards me.

"Ayyyyeee girl, what's happening?" She asked in a ratchet voice.

"Haha stop, I'm all good. Just have a bit of butterflies here and there."

A huge smile appeared on Ana's face.


"Hey! Calm down! Don't start getting ideas, crazy!"

"But do you?!"

"YES Ana, I do."

She immediately turned back into ratchet mode.

"Ohhhhh, cuuuuteee," she said as she winked at me.

Coach Larsen, our teacher, walked in and everyone started rushing towards their assigned lines.

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