Chapter Nineteen

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She wakes up and puts on her uniform. She straightens her hair, puts in her contacts, and throws on some heels. She does the same makeup as yesterday, and leaves. She caught the bus to gain some attention. There were mumbles on the bus as she got on. She remembered how Hailey said to "be the boss.". She goes over to a girl who looks mean.

"What did you just say?" The girl says.
"I said, move." Isabelle Says.

Isabelle sits in the seat without permission and the girl is silent. When the bus gets to school, Isabelle sees Malcom and Alice at their lockers. They join Isabelle.

"Where to next?" Alice asks.
"Homeroom." Isabelle responds.
"But meet me in the bathroom 10 minutes into 2nd period." Isabelle tells them.

They go to homeroom. Isabelle and the others have different homeroom, but Jenna, Denis, and Kayla have all classes with Alice and Malcom. Kayla and Jenna walk up to them in homeroom.

"See. Look what being her friend got you into." Jenna Says.

Then Alices phone goes off. So does Malcom's. It's from Isabelle. It's a list of the things they have to do. She sees the get in a fight. She looks around, the teachers not in there yet. She looks at Malcom. Malcom nods at her. He had guessed what she was thinking. Alice stands up and pushes Kayla.

"If you don't like us, don't talk to us." Alice Says.

Jenna walks up to Alice and pushes her.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that."

The class begins to stare. Alice punches Jenna. Kayla begins to swing at Alice. Alice punches Kayla in the face. Jenna doesn't do anything. Eventually Jenna and Kayla give up and walk out the classroom, angry. Alice sits down and looks at Malcom. They both have frowns on their face. Alice never thought she'd have to fight the girls who used to be her besties.
        Second period comes around, and, 10 minutes into it. Malcom and Alice go to the bathroom. Isabelle is already in the bathroom. Malcom had to go into the girls bathroom.

"If anyone walks in, just pretend Malcom is one of our boyfriends." Says Isabelle.

They look at her.

"What? That's more believable." She says.

She takes a pack of cigarettes out of her back pocket. She opens it to where Malcom and Alice can grab one. They each grab one. Then, Isabelle grabs one for herself. She takes a lighter and lights their cigarettes. They smoke, and cough, and repeat that process until they are used to it. Two girls walk into the bathroom.

"What are y'all doing?" One girl asks.

Alice puts on her newly discovered bad girl attitude.

"Um, smoking. Duh." Alice says.

"Okay, So why is he in here?" The girls ask.

"He's my boyfriend. Got a problem?" Isabelle Says.

"No, but we can't use the bathroom when a guy is in here." They say.

"There are stalls." Malcom says, pointing to the stalls.

"Or you girls can leave. Yeah, leave." Isabelle says.

They leave without saying another word. The group continues to smoke their cigarettes until they are finished with them. They then put the cigarette butts into the trashcan. They leave the bathroom and go to their lockers to hang out until 2nd period is over. They all are silent until Isabelle pulls out spray paint and begins to paint her locker.

"Hey!" Alice snaps.
"What are you doing?"

"Uhm, being bad? That's what Hailey said to do!" She says.

Alice and Malcom lean against their locker while Isabelle decorates hers.

"All that's left is to act out and throw a party. I will just back talk a teacher for that first one." Isabelle laughs.

"So simple." She mumbles.

When 2nd period is over, they go to their third class. Since they have different classes, Alice and Malcom did not see her talk back to her teacher. When school is over, Isabelle goes to the store and buys the stuff needed to throw the party. She messages the 12th grade school president on Instagram, and asks her if she can promote Isabelle's party. She says yes and the school president posts about it, and over 100 people say they will come. Now she just had to throw it.

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