A Sunny Day

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Alex's pov

"Kids!" Fez yelled we all walk downstairs and see six familiar figures standing there although they were transparent.

"Father! Dad!" Me, Miles, Eric, and Rose say.

"Mother! Father!" Chris and Ethan said and the parents smiled.

"How are you here?" Chris asked they all looked at each other

"Magic!" All six of them say in unison then Sixer hands us five jars each of us have a jar with our name. I quickly smash mine and feel the power rush back which was a good feeling to have flow through my veins.

"I'M BACK!" I yelled smiling happy that I had my power back...just to make sure I summoned my golden yellow flames in my hands before unsummoning it.

*3 days later*


12 minutes...that's all I have till I meet my soulmate. Now I know how Eric felt then I hear footsteps.

"Hey  Alex what's up?" Dad asked me when he walked into the room I guess I had a panicky look on my face.

"I have eleven minutes and thirty seconds till I meet my soulmate" I say and he smiles

"And knowing that you have to wait elven minutes is killing you" he says I nod he thinks for a moment about what I don't know.

"Put a cloth over it then meet me outside near the big tree" Dad says I nod and he disappears I snap and some cloth is covering the watch then I snap again and I'm outside and in front of a really tall tree with dad standing next to it.

"Climb it" Dad orders looking at me. I nod and started climbing it but when I was halfway up I felt something hit my hand. My eyes widen as I lost my grip and fell out of the tree, which time seemed to slow for a second for me which was odd, and landed on my back with a crack and I blacked out waking up in my mindscape.

Eric's pov
I was walking around outside when I saw everyone gathered around the big tree out front so I went over to investigate but when I got over there I saw a limp Alex laying there.

"He was climbing then he fell I think he broke his arm, wrist, hand, or all of the above" Uncle Dipper says panicked since he couldn't call anyone. Miles nods but doesn't move so I pulled out my phone and called 9-1-1. After like 10 minutes the ambulance came and helped straighten out his hand...what happened I don't know.

"They should keep him for a few minutes since his demonic powers is healing it already but it's up to them" the guy says on our way there we all nod understanding what he was saying.

Alexander's pov
I opened my eyes and saw the mindscape. I sighed already knowing my hand was broken but since I'm still part human so it'll take a little bit to heal so instead I tried focusing on what my soulmate might look like but I only saw platinum blonde hair...which is more then I had before but still not a lot.

"Great this is amazing!" I snapped at nobody. I force myself to wake up but when I do I try to get up but a nurse rushes into the room and pushes me back down onto the bed I glare at her but stop as she wouldn't let go.

"No you should lay down" she said I glare at her.

"Family! Now!" I said she quickly nodded left, came back with my family, then she leaves again...thank god I didn't want her in here.

"Alex!" Ethan and Chris yelled when they walked in- well more like ran in but I'm not one to nitpick.

*11 minutes later*

I finally got out of the hospital and away from my family and was walking on the abandoned trail in the forest since my family wouldn't look there.


I let Arsenic out of his dog tag form which took longer then usual due to the fact that my magic is low due to working on healing my hand.


Me and Arsenic sensed another demon in the area which put him on edge since we couldn't tell if they were friendly or not.











As I was walking forward I bumped into a male demon who was a little taller then me, had messy platinum blonde hair, and violet eyes...

*beep, beep*

He's my soulmate?!

"Wow...soulmates with the king!" He says I nod and he gestures towards my hand...nice to know I have a demon soulmate.

"What happened?" He asked pointing to my 'cast' I rolled my eyes.

"Hand broke" I say then as we walk to the Shack. I explained what happened while I opened the door to the Shack, with my good hand, no-one was there which was odd.


"Let's check that out!" My soulmate who thanks to my role I now know is Ivan. I nod and we go into the kitchen and see Jay choking Eric.

"Hey!" Ivan snapped using his power to knock Jay off of Eric. I snapped and Jay was chained to the wall. I run over to check Eric who looked fine to me.

'EVERYONE SHACK NOW!!' I mentally yelled to everyone as Ivan checked Eric for any physical injuries.

"All damage is emotional" Ivan says I nod and wait for everyone then they all teleported to us.

"What happened and who's that?" Dad asked pointing to Ivan.

"Jay choked Eric and this is my soulmate Ivan" I say glaring at Jay who's still chained to the ground with my silver chains. I snap then me and Jay are at father's secret room...but that's not important.

Bill's pov

"Where did my son go?!" Pinetree asked everyone but I realized where he could be as it was where I wanted to take Jay as well.

'He's in...that room Pinetree' I mentally say to Pinetree looks at me and nods. I teleport to my youngest son we make eye contact and he finishes strapping Jay to the table. He looks like he wants to hurt Jay and I did to but since I was still transparent I couldn't.

"Let's do this!" I say he smirks and nods.

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