Bad Ending

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Bill's pov
I was walking by myself in the woods to clear my mind by using the paths that Pinetree liked when we lived here in the mindscape when I see a giant 'X' start forming in the sky...wait a minute Weirdmageddon is starting again?! But only Alex, me, Pinetree my siblings,, and Miles can start Weirdmageddon in this who started this one without the rift? Or was it made without the rift? Unless the rift was recreated? But if it was then why didn't Miles or Alex tell me and Pinetree? It couldn't be Alex he would've told one of us. Then I hear a laser gun charging up I froze momentarily. I whipped around just in time to get shot in the chest I glanced up...Miles my the the one that killed me? But why would he do this?

Dipper's pov
I felt an unbearable amount of pain something I've only felt once before back when Alex and Miles took over...this can only mean that...Bill is...dead? No! I refuse to believe he's dead he wouldn't die that easily! I refuse to believe it it not true it didn't happen! I fell down onto my knees and started crying in both sadness and pain I look up at the sky and see the Weirdmageddon 'X' in the sky which was odd since me and Bill was never told about the rift coming back. I hear something...or more like someone walking up behind me. I glanced back and felt anger instead of sadness at who was standing there and what he was holding in his hands.

"What the hell is wrong with you Miles!" I growled when I saw my oldest son holding a laser gun standing next to his soulmate . It annoyed me that after everything Miles would kill I understand why Alex didn't want me and Bill to leave this must be what his nightmare was about Miles betraying us all...Alex had to go all day with the fact that his twin would betray us and keep it to himself...that pisses me off worse and all of this just when we had become real and not transparent. Miles then looks at his soulmate and nods then his soulmate leaves heading of in a different direction towards the house...I should find out his name but right now I don't care I couldn't care even if I tried right now! Miles looks at me with annoyance and anger on his face.

"Because I'm the oldest yet Alex is always the favorite and was always going to be the one to rule! Why?! Because he's mostly demon and I'm not? Or what!" He snaps I sigh that's what this is about he could've asked us well I guess he has but that's not it it's just Miles was way more emotional and let his emotion cloud his judgement like it is now...but Alex doesn't do that.

"No! Because unlike you Alex doesn't let his emotions cloud his judgment which is good in a king you wanted to kill everyone in Gravity Falls because you wanted to kill our killers but didn't know who it was! Instead of focusing on your sibling and family you only focused on killing someone!" I snap if he wants the truth I'll give him the truth I don't care if he kills me he's already killed Bill...I just hope that if he does kill me that Alex will defeat him in the end.

"Enough! I guess we'll find out soon how good of a king I am won't we" He snaps and behind me I hear the laser gun fire and I close my eyes and black out.

Ivan's pov

*3 hours later*

It was just me and Alex alive now Miles had killed everyone else no clue why the other weren't in the way of him becoming king...we then hear a laser gun start up I turn around in time to see Miles pull the trigger then he teleports away...the coward he just wants to kill people then leave. I jumped in front of Alex so that the true king could live and defeat this imposter king. I fall with a laser wound to the abdomen Alex catches me before I hit the ground I see tears in the corner of his eyes I reach up and wipe it away but I knew once I was gone they'd be back but I didn't care about I just needed to know that I wasn't a failure that I made him happy even in my final moments.

Altair's pov

'Fuck you Miles I thought about going easy on you since you are my twin but now I'll make sure I kill you' I thought as Ivan stopped breathing and moving. People who say third times the charm is clearly wrong! I've done this 3 different times already and they've all ended the holding a limp Ivan with blood all over me and everyone except Miles and his fucking soulmate was dead around me in the pitch blackness...when I finally do get it right I'm going to kill Miles! I look up when I hear footsteps just in time to see the shadow figure through the tears in my eyes he stares at me and Ivan as I sat down knowing when he would send me back to.

"You failed again for the third time. Everyone is dead and you keep missing the key hint I give you to beat him. Try to find the hint and save your friends and family again?" It said I instantly nod, close my eyes then when I opened them I saw Ivan sleeping with his arms around my waist...this was WAY before Malik even met Blake...good maybe I can change things now...maybe I can save everyone this time...and maybe I can find this damn hint that the figure keeps talking about...wonder how many times I'll have to live through all of this till I get it...hopefully not to many more times maybe I can get it on this try.

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