nineteen. joy.

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❝Kicking the leaves in the autumn breeze.
Don't forget about the sound they make.
Doesn't matter if the world is a cold place,
Cause I'm getting cooler.❞



"Have a seat, Miss Park."

Mihae gulped as she slowly bowed and sat down on the chair opposite with the principal.

The others were outside the office, nervous and trying to eavesdrop but that was impossible, the walls were soundproof.

"I'm sure you already know the whole situation you are in right now," he cleared his throat and looked at Mihae. She only nodded, not able to lift her head up.

A long sigh escaped Mr. Han, the principal's mouth.

"The main reason for the existence of Pledis Academy is to give you all enough experience to become idols. And for an idol, just one small wrong action, past or present, will affect their whole career and their whole life. You know that, don't you?"

Her voice was already cracking up. She couldn't speak because of her tears. Mihae sat still, knowing that if she nods, tears will fall from her eyes, making the situation worse.

Silence filled the room.

After a long while, Mr. Han finally spoke again, "I understand that you were just a youngster then, thinking that you were tough and cool. But little did you know back then how much bad outcomes it will cause..."

Slowly, Mihae's tears rolled down her cheeks, "P-Please understand, sir. I was a stupid kid back then... I've worked so hard to get to where I am now... I've worked hard to make it up for everything I've done and I-"

She stopped speaking, the principal chuckled softly, "I know. I've already been informed. That's why I'm giving you another chance."

His statement shocked her, she widened her eyes and stared at him, "R-Really?"

"Why would I joke about such things? Go back to class, I'll settle everything later on," he then came close to her ear and whispered, "And tell your friends they're really bad at eavesdropping."

Mihae finally let out a long giggle and a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, sir!" She smiled with tears still in her eyes.

Mr. Han nodded and came back to his desk to continue his work.

When Mihae opened the office door, sixteen people fell under her feet, it was like a domino but human version.

Up until then, Mihae still had her poker face on. That really worried everyone.

So, as a small prank, Mihae kept her frown on. She was meant to be an actress but had enough potential to become an idol, might as well show them how good she could be.

Everyone was easily fooled, "Oh Mihae... I'm so sorry," Hyerim hugged her tightly.

"You don't have to be sorry, unnie..." Mihae sighed before she laughed loudly, "BECAUSE I AM GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE~"

She squealed excitedly. Everyone had their mouths opened wide before cheering loudly.

"I'M SO HAPPY MIHAE AHHH!!!" Yeonha hugged her and the two jumped around in joy, Eunbyul smiled with all her facial muscles.

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