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Draco was walking to the bathroom when Moaning Myrtle floated into his way.
"What?" He asked monotonously.
"You should see your girlfriend!" she drawled in a sickly sweet voice.
Draco paused, realized she meant Casper, asking quickly, "Where's Casper?"
Myrtle began to float towards her bathroom, and Draco followed.
He spotted Casper slouched against the sink, her jaw looking misshapen.
"What the hell?" he muttered, kneeling down beside her. "Who the hell? What-"
Casper's eyes fluttered open. She immediately began to cry.
"Never seen him so angry..." Myrtle stated, looking down at Casper and Draco.
"Who did this?" he demanded.
"Why... Harry Potter, just little Harry-"
"I'll kill him! I swear to Merlin's beard I'll kill him the second I see him-"
"N-no!" Casper managed, trying to stand up.
His eyes lightened and he began to help her to the hospital wing.

    Harry and Ron were in potions the following day when Draco walked in looking pissed as ever.
    "What's wrong with him?" Ron asked Harry.
    "Probably found Casper," He replied anxiously.
    As class ended Harry and Ron hurried out the door, but Draco grabbed Harry's robes and pushed him against the wall.
    ¨What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"
    "I don't know what you're talking about..."
    "I already know what happened!"
    "I know, Goyle."
    "All we wanted to do was get some information and then she wouldn't leave us alone, I didn't mean to hurt her, I swear!"
    "What information?"
"Well... we wanted to know who the heir of Slytherin was... that's all."
"Do you think I'm the heir? Are you absurd?"
"No! I-I would never... I just- we- we had to know, is all," Harry shifted uncomfortably beneath Draco.
He scoffed and backed away. "This is ridiculous! My father will hear about this!"
Harry bolted toward the Gryffindor common room.
Draco stormed back down to the dungeons and into the common room.
Draco found Casper sitting curled up by the book shelf, her jaw back in place and a book in her arms. She was hiding the title.
"What are you reading now?"
"Uhhhh..." Casper shut the book and shoved it beneath a pillow. "Just a um muggle baking book is all." She smiled.
He eyed her carefully. "Right..."

It was the end of the year, the last day to be specific, and Draco was ready to go home. Casper would be headed with him and her parents would pick her up in a month. But for now, they could relax and not be bothered by stupid, famous Harry Potter.

"Draco?" Casper asked as they sat in his room, her doodling Draco and he attempting to read a dark arts book. "Do you think you're mum would let me bake you a birthday cake? Like hand bake? Myself?"
"Because I want you to feel appreciated."
"Because you're my friend...?"
"I mean, I guess you could.,, I don't really know."
Casper jumped up suddenly and grabbed Draco, pulling him down the stairs and to the front door. She drug him outside, devoid of shoes, and  down the pavement to the gates.
He began to struggle against her grasp. "What are you doing?"
"I want to go to the woods." Casper, stronger than him, pulled him out onto the street.
"Get off me! We are not going to the woods! Back inside!"
"Fine, I'll go by myself," Casper began to trot off, making  sure her wand was snug in her waistband after secretly taking it.
"No! My father will hear about this!"
"Your dad doesn't scare me like he does you, Draco. Sorry..."
"You can't just go run off like this!" He started after her.
She pulled out her wand and pointed it at him, grinning. "Try me."
He fumbled for words to say.
"You know," she said finally about to enter the woods, "Harry's kinda cute." She bolted.
He scoffed and scurried back home.

It was now midnight and Casper hadn't returned yet. Mrs. Malfoy knocked on Draco's door.
"What do you want?"
"Where did Casper go?"
"I'm right here," Casper said softly, appearing beside them.
Mrs. Malfoy sighed and left them to be.
Draco payed no attention and continued to sulk on his bed, turned to face the green textured wall.
"Draco... I need to tell you something important."
    "I... I'm gay."
    He was quiet for a second. "Get out of my room."

    Casper was nearly sobbing by the time she stumbled downstairs to the guest room. She fumbled with her quill and parchment and wrote a sloppy letter to Luna.
    Mrs. Malfoy appeared at the door and hurried inside to Casper. "What's wrong?"
    "I need to go. Can I use the fireplace?"
    Narcissa nodded and let Casper run out.

    Luna sat at her fireplace, waiting.
    A ball of green and black stumbled into the room. Luna stood up and watched as a broken Casper began to sob and shake. She wrapped her arms around her.
    "I lost Draco."

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