At the pool

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"Is it just going to be the two of us or did you call the others??" Derrick asks as he sits on the stool by the kitchen counter. 

 “Just the two of us. I called the others but either they were in class or like Gorgina were still asleep and told me to f*** off,”

I know for one who wants to get over their infatuation, going swimming would not be such a good idea. It’s just that I can’t swim alone and this head is killing me. I need to be in a better state if I want to focus during the lecture. 

We ate the pancakes I made in silence. We both seemed to have a lot on my minds. Well I was too tired to speak my head was on another level and the more I ate the better I felt. So I was too scared to make it worse, I don’t know what Derrick’s excuse was.   

This wasn’t a bad idea. I may not have been hang over-ed but I feel so good right now. Too bad I have a lecture in a few hours. I feel like blowing it off but I need the distraction because my mind has been thinking strangely recently. Speaking of distractions, how long does it take for one to change into a swim suit???

" Barry said today is anything goes night at Sparkly. Are you going?" Cloey asks as she walks out of the changing room wearing a sexy low back swimsuit. Damn, I never realised she is so sexy and those legs just keep on going.

" Take a picture, it will last longer," she says with a wink and dives into the water. That luckily broke me out of whatever trance I had been on. I didn't even know I was staring.

It was a good idea swimming. My head has calmed down considerably. I even managed to get in class 30 minutes earlier but for some reason my head keeps flashing back to how Derrick kept looking at me with such awe. I think it's cause he has never seen me in a swimsuit alone.

Wow, he has never seen me in a swimsuit. I never realised this. This is stupid, how could he not have seen me in a swimsuit?? I have known him for a year. How is this possible??

Let's see, I've known him for about a year and I do go atleast each weekend. Aaah, that's it, he works on weekends and if he ain't working he has a date or something. That must be it.

I remember watching ‘ How I Met Your Mother’ last week and Barney was telling Marshall that the reason he and Robin get along so well is because he sees Robin as a Sea lion and not a mermaid so he isn’t attracted to her. Maybe Derrick has started seeing me as a mermaid and not a sea lion any more.

As I was pondering this in my head, I felt something on my toes and was ready to get on the defensive.  Aaaah, let that not be a frog or even worse a toad. Unlike the Princess in ‘Frog Prince‘, I detest frogs and their amphibian family. I ask myself everyday, why in the world didn’t she faint when the frog spoke to her??  She simply got startled and asked for her ball back. Who in their sane mind would not scream, faint or question their sanity when a frog speaks to you??

 I have a problem, I can’t scream when am frightened. Weird I know, my voice just never seems to come out in that particular moment when I get frightened so I had to take a couple of judo lessons.

I know what your thinking what kind of girl am I?? I can’t watch horror movies let alone sleep well after watching them and yet for the life of me I can’t scream. You would think watching them taught me to at least do that.  The plus side is I got to learn judo.

They must not have cleaned the pool yesterday for a frog to be in it today.

Now the bad thing of judo is it does nothing to help you against amphibians. How do you judo such tiny, slippery creatures?? Not even Donnie Yen can help you there.

I should ask Derrick to help. He likes these damn things. Gosh Cloey, and you call him slow. He pulled one on me, I finally realise as I see him whistling on the other end of the pool. I dive in and head for the kill. MUAHAHAHA .

As soon as I had gotten out of my trance, I turn and find Cloey on the other end of the pool. She a damn fast swimmer, you would think with all those parties she has been to, her lung capacity would have deteriorated from passive smoking.  I decided to break her from her trance so I dived in and touched her toes lightly, then swam further away and over looked the sea acting like I was lost in thought.

Suddenly, I feel hands holding my waist and pulling me down and deeper into the water.

Hmm, I didn’t really think this plan through. I thought of dragging him into the water but then what. So here I am holding his waist and for a minute there I couldn’t resist.

I ran my hands on his abs for about  30 seconds then I drag him into the water before he could feel me caressing his abs.

Unfortunately, he has such quick reflexes before I knew it, he had turned and was holding me so close.  I am so glad we are under water. Ha, so much for under water. I turn to look at him and he has this devastating smile that make his eyes twinkle. I know I said twinkle, there is no other fitting word that can form in my head at this particular moment.


 Author's note : As always, let me know what you think. Pleaaase comment. I would really like to know what your thinking. and vote  :)

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