Lucid dream

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"You are definitely getting me new shoes. They may not have been my best shoes but they were comfortable and there is no way am wearing them again after what you just did. The memory is impounded on my brain. What the hell did you eat anyway?" Derrick asks smudging his brow while looking at the mess in his shoes while stepping away from me to remove his shoes.

Blechhh, blechhh, blechhh. It's times like these that am really grateful I have short hair.

"I can't be of use here. I'll go fix you something to settle that stomach of yours." Now you can see why we are friends he is not arrogant all the time. He's nice and thoughtful when he decides to be.

In the first months that we had just turned friends, I woke up at around 2 and failed to go back to bed so I went on line to get someone to chat with till sleep would come back to me. I found him on line  and we talked till morning. It didn't really help with my sleep but we got close from then on.

"Here, rinse that disgusting mouth of yours" he says as he hands me a bottle of acquifina and walks back out.

"Gosh, I feel like 10 pounds have gone down the drain literally," I say as I emerge from the bathroom.  

"Finally, I thought I had to start writing a speech for your death. You took an hour in there. I had gotten pretty far too. I took Aphaville's song the things I didn't do and edited it a bit to the things I you did do and was going to conclude with me putting flowers in your toilet. It being the scene of your death."  

" Well unlike you the extra terrestrial, we normal people puke and not sweat when we are wasted. Plus I had to clean the washroom and brush my teeth after that outburst. So what movie are we watching tonight?"  

" I thought we could watch the comedy 'To stop worrying and to love the bomb' but seeing as you have had the fun for the both of us, let's just watch a horror or action or crime movie. You know something to sober you up. It is Wednesday after all and you have a lecture early morning."  

So here we are huddled up watching the omen. Yes, we ended up watching the horror with the lights out. Horror movies with babies or children scare the crap out of me. The last time I watched a horror movie was about a year and a half ago and I couldn't sleep a wink, kept thinking of those butt naked angel babies. It doesn't sound scary when I say it like that but once you watch the haunting, you'll know what am talking about and they didn't even use any sounds to make them scary.  

I remember the first time we came up with movie night. It was six months ago he had come to taste my cooking since he claimed am not the type that knows how to cook. So to prove him wrong, I invited him to my place to taste my cooking. That was the first time he had ever been to my place alone. Usually he comes with our mutual friends Frank or Edward or Barry. We had just finished eating spaghetti and meatballs and were quite full. So I put the usual suspects a movie by Gabriel Bryn.  

" Do you know how old that movie is?"  

"It's not that old, 1995 is just 17 years ago. Okay, it's old but I like watching old movies that way I leave new movies for the dates"  

" We should do this every day like today. It wasn't bad and you don't make silly comments when watching the movie like Barry does. We should watch a horror next time. I never did get to watch Salem's Lot. I'll rent it and you make the snacks," Derrick says about an hour and fifty when the movie was done and just like that Wednesdays turned to movie night.  

I felt a breathing close to my right ear. I turn, my stomach flips, my heart beats a notch, and for some reason my breath is coming out like a gasping for air. All of this simply because of his smile which lights up his face bringing life to his hazel eyes and giving form to dimples. It's wispy, just at the corners and gives a glint in his eyes. It radiates from his body causing me to smile back. Internally am asking myself why the hell am I smiling?? I don't even know what the hell is going on, he scared the crap out of me.  

As am carrying out this internal argument, he leans in and brushes his lips on my collar bone. My breathing went hail wire, my aorta pulsated and my brain kept thinking, what hell and heaven is this? His lips move to my ear and nibble it just a bit, I stifle a moan. He moves his hands over and puts it over my shoulder and pushes me gently closer to him. Then he sent a shudder through my skin by gently growling and humming, vibrating his lips and cheeks as he did so and that was not all, he moved up and down my neck over the bones of my face and lips. Then he hovers his mouth closer to mine for what felt like 5 minutes. I felt my lids getting heavy then he kisses my upper lip, my lower lip and gently blows on them.   The sudden cold blast gave me a sensual explosion and made me gasp. He took advantage of this and slid his tongue. I couldn't help it, I failed to stifle my moan this time.  

"Oh, God"  

" Am pretty sure, God comes later on in the movie. Clearly I was watching the movie alone. So what happened in your dream that you are calling God in that manner??" Derrick asks as he turns to face me.

Someone please kill me now. 


Author's note: I tried to make it longer this  time. Please let me know what you think of this chapter by commenting and vote too if you like it. Thanks

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