Scott Lang X Reader - Better Together

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song Better Together by Jack Johnson. It's a cute song. I hope you enjoy it.

You had always been a bit over-sentimental. At the foot of your bed, you had a trunk filled with memorabilia, from ticket stubs to old postcards. You just couldn't bring yourself to throw out the things that had, at some point in time, brought you so much joy.  Your prized possession was the photo album you had curated when you were a child. You had spent hours putting it together, meticulously glueing each picture into the perfect position and writing little notes to help you remember each memory. 

Your parents had assumed that when you finally moved into your own place you would leave all of your 'stuff' behind, but you hadn't been able to part with them; they had gone to college with you, and into the apartment, you had shared with your friends after graduation, and after you had met Scott, they had moved into his apartment with you. At first, you had been worried that he would laugh at you for being so connected to your memory box. It didn't seem like an adult thing to do. But he had been encouraging, asking you to tell him the stories behind each photograph, and concert ticket, and postcard. His favourites were the pictures of you as a child. 

"You were cute," he had told you, smiling sweetly down at the image of a tiny, gap-toothed version of you. He tilted your head, his fingers holding your chin, lightly. The kiss he gave you left your stomach full of butterflies, and you grinned up at him when he pulled away. "I wonder if our kids'll be as cute as you."

At that moment, it was as though the entire world had stopped spinning. You had never spoken with Scott about having children, I mean, you'd hardly even thought about it yourself. And yet, here he was saying it as though it was the most simple thing in the world. 

You forced the smile to remain on your lips as you flicked through the rest of the photo album, laughing at the little comments Scott was making and wishing that he had never said anything. It's not that you didn't want children, per se,  but more that you knew that you weren't ready yet. Scott was somewhat older than you were and you had always been worried that you wouldn't be able to give him what he wanted in a relationship.

Soon enough, you made your excuses, yawning and stretching as you got to your feet. "I'm going to get an early night," you told him softly, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.

"It's only eight-thirty," he muttered, his face scrunched up in confusion. "Are you feeling okay?" 

"Yeah," you answered him a little too quickly, shrugging slightly, "just tired."

He nodded, watching as you made your way to the bedroom, leaving him with your box of memories spread out in front of him.

*Time Skip*

You woke up in darkness, a hand gripping your shoulder as it shook you out of your deep sleep. You blinked, acclimatising your eyes to the blackness that was surrounding you. "Scott?" Your voice was thick with sleep and caught in your throat slightly. "What's going on?" You stretched out your arm, switching on the bedside lamp and watching as he came into focus beside the bed.

"Hey," he uttered softly, and your brows furrowed.

"What time is it?"

"Three AM." 

You lifted your hands to your face, wiping away the sleep that gathered in your eyes attempting to drag you back into your dreams. "Why are you waking me up at three AM?" You don't know how you did it, but you had managed to keep the annoyance hidden from your voice. You had gotten used to Scott keeping strange hours and often found yourself being woken up with one of his new ideas. You didn't mind it really; he was so happy when he was talking about his plans, and it was hard to be mad when he looked like an excited little kid.

"I worked out what was bothering you."

You lifted your hand, running it over his stubble-coated chin. "Nothing is bothering me," you told him, leaning forward and pressing your lips against his in a gentle kiss.

His hand grabbed for yours, holding it between the two of you as you watched on in amusement. "We don't have to have kids."

"What are you talking about?"

"I just-" he paused for a moment, a small frown etched onto his lips, "-don't want to pressure you into making big decisions because I can't keep my stupid mouth shut." He released a deep sigh. "If you don't want kids then we won't have any, I mean, I've got Cassie."

Your brow furrowed for a moment, and then suddenly everything hit you. "I do want children," you started softly, "just not right now; I'm so busy at work, and I don't have time to put projects on hold." You pulled your hand out of his, shifting so that he could get into the bed beside you, his arm quickly moving to wrap around you, pulling you close to his chest. "I've never been in a relationship, where we've actually had to think about this stuff, before." 

He leant in, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Well, whatever you choose is fine by me."

"Thank you," you told him, a smile fixed onto your lips as you looked up into his face. "And, for the record, our kids'll be the cutest in the world."

Scott released a deep laugh, causing you to shake against his chest. "I don't doubt that at all."

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