Chapter 1

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Seven Years Ago...

"What I like doing before actually plugging in and solving for x, is that I split the ±. On one side we have that x is equal to negative b minus the square root of positive b minus 4 times a and c. All of that is over 2 times a. Then you do the same when x is equal positive b. Everything in the square root stays the same." I flip my notebook horizontally and draw a squiggly line down the middle of the page. I copy both versions of the formula.

"What happens when a is equal to zero?" he asked.

"Then that function isn't a quadratic." I said making up a problem in my notebook.

"What if there's no b?" he asks. I look up from the problem I made up.

"Josh you barely get this. I'm not going to throw in quadratics with missing variables just yet. Mrs. West said she's giving you until the end of the month to prep for the make up test. Right now you have to have a strong grasp of the basics. Next week we'll maybe go into harder stuff. Okay?" I ask.

"Yeah whatever. Can we end our session earlier? We have a team meeting before practice for the game." he says getting up without waiting for my response. We didn't even get to do my problems.

"Uh yeah. That's fine."

I start packing my stuff. I glance at my watch. 3:17. We didn't even stay for 30 minutes. Josh is waiting for me by the library exit. I walk down the stairs and follow Josh to where he parked. Across the street, I see him with all the others. I look away, but I can feel his eyes on me as I turn to Josh.

"Martinez do you want a ride home? Not to be that guy, but those guys seem kinda sketch." he says from driver side of his car. It's a shiny and sleek, black Mercedes. His eyes follow the group of guys hanging out in the sidewalk next to their parked Impalas.

"No. I'm good. I live like three blocks from here. I'll see you tomorrow, and maybe we'll actually finish a session." I said. I start my journey towards my house. I cut in through the back alleyways for a longer walk.

I go into the empty parking lot. The city tried to make a parking building for tourist, but it died down since we don't get that many tourist in these areas. I went up the stairs to the second floor. He's already waiting for me. I quickly pulled my hair out of it's ponytail and fluff it to add some sort of volume as I approached his car. God, I love his car so much. I get in, and it feels like home. Our home.

"Hi." I say nervously playing with my skirt.

"Hey. I thought you were getting out at 4:30?" he gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

"So did I, but apparently the team had some meeting for the big game. Which I don't get 'cause he's sitting it out for failing his most recent math tests." I say. I know for a fact his dad is going to pull some strings to get him to play. Which means my time has been wasted.

"You seem kinda upset. ¿Qué peinsas en esa cabezita tuya?" he leans toward me and starts kissing down my jaw and neck.

"I'm good. It's just that they're wasting my time. Time I can be using to help people or other students that really need my help. Not some rich guy that can pay easily his way to get through. It's just not fair, you know." I lean back into the seat.

"But you know what's embarrassing? That those teachers that went to school to teach and shit, can't do it. They have to get you to do it." he pulls me to his lap. I make a face at him "Shit that didn't right. I meant that you're so talented and smart that you don't need college to..."

"I get it, no need to ramble off. ¿Sale?" I rest my forehead to his.

"Vale" he grabs my chin a kisses me slowly. He pulls away.

"Oscar." I groan. He laughs, his hands wonder to my waist, pulling me closer, as he deepens our kiss.

"Te amo. You're my hope." one of his hands reaches to caress my cheek.

"You're so corny." I eye roll my eyes trying not to laugh.

He grabs my chin making me look into his eyes. He knows how much I love it when he does that. "Esperanza, I'm being serious. With all this Santos mess and shit, I know that I have you. You are my hope. You're everything I want and need. Te amare hasta el fin del mundo."

"Yo tambien te amo." I lean in and kiss him. My hands go to his belt buckle and start to tug at it.

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