Chapter 6

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I walk out of the elevator and make my way to my loft. I fumble trying to put in my keys when the door swings open. "¿Qué son estas horas de llegar?" Christian yells. He startles me, making me drop the keys.

"Me asustas menso." I push passed him. I go lay down on the couch.

"Well it is almost nine." he looks at his watch.

"I was at my tios." I shrugged.

"No you weren't. Mario called an hour ago asking what time you were going to pick up your car because they were going to mass." A smirk a appears on his face. "So where were you?" he wiggles his eyebrows at me. Every time something comes out of Christian's mouth I always end up rolling my eyes at him.

"No me mires asi. Nothing happened between us." I roll my eyes. Christian is about to say something, but

"Between who?" Julia says walking over to us.

"Oscar let me crash at his place after the party was over." I said like it was no big deal, but they knew that it wasn't.

"Ha, I told you. Pay up." Christian tells Julia. She pulls out a twenty from her pocket.

"Seriously? Anyways, nothing happened. I woke up and left, so yeah."

"So you just left him?"Julia pretends to act all surprised.

"Yes, all I did was crash in his bed." I rolled my eyes at her. Julia shoots me a look. "It wasn't like that." I tell her as I covered my face with one of the pillows on the couch. Hangovers are the worst especially when you best friend is interrogating you where you've been all night.

"But it was. We went to the car to fuck, right, and then we come back Spooky was all pissed and shit telling everyone that the party's over." Christian says walking back from the kitchen with mugs.

"See. Anyways, he took care of you drunk ass. Not to mention you slept in his bed....his bed." Julia says

"Who said he took care of me?" I said.

"Well, I know for a fact that you didn't wear that shirt to the party, we can assume he let you borrow it; therefore, he, in a way, took care of your ass when you were drunk." she says as she sips her tea. This bitch always drinks tea at the most inopportune moments.

"How's that tea babe?" Christian asks. He can barely hold in his laughter.

"Piping hot."

"Y'all play too much." I get up from the couch.

"You know we're joking. Don't be like that." Christian says.

"Whatever, I need a nap." I sigh.

I close the door to my room. It wasn't that deep. All he did was let me crash instead of taking an Uber home. But he let you borrow some clothes and he let you sleep in his bed. My subconscious reminded me. I played with the hem of my shirt, Oscar's shirt. God damn it. I take it off. It wasn't that deep. I tried convincing myself. But I know for me it wasn't. I literally made his bed before leaving. I even left a PostIt on the bed saying thank you.

I don't want to admit it, but it was the best I've slept in years. His bed was really comfortable. I bet that's what the other girls would think after they.... Ugh I can't even finish that thought. I rub my temples. I hate thinking like this. I can't believe I'm even having these thoughts in the first place. I moved on...not really, but no one needs to know that.

I showered and made some oatmeal. Julia and Christian went out for brunch. They invited me, but I really wasn't a mood to be a third wheel. I spent most of the morning cleaning up and finishing up some laundry. For being hungover, this has been a very productive morning.

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