The day with Charles and the dogs

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I was going over to Charle's house because we were going to take his two dogs, Zoey and Marley, to the dog beach.

 "Charles??" I yelled walking into his house. Zoey and Marley came running up to me, barking and running everywhere.

"Yeah. I'm in my room! Just got out of the shower." He yelled back. 

"Okay." I answered walking to his room, and sitting on the bed, waiting for him to come out from his closet. I have been to house before so I knew where everything was. We have watched movies and gone swimming and taken the dogs on walks before at his house. He has also met my parents and they said that they like him and that he is a very sweet guy and all that other stuff parents say when they approve who you are dating. He has also introduced me to all of the CTFxCers in the vlogs. He said that they all seemed to like me so that is good.

"Hey babe." Charles said walking out of the closet and coming over to me and gives me a quick kiss. "Give me a minute and then we can get the girls all ready to go."

"Okay, sounds good. What car are we taking? I'll put some towels and stuff in the trunk."

"You want to mine?"

"Yeah. I'll go put everything in."

About five minutes later, Charles was walking out with both dogs following him. They really love to go for car rides. They hopped in the golf cart because that is what they thought they were going in. Me and Charles laughed at that because they both jumped right on the seat and sat down and looked right at Charles. 

Charles opened the door to the back and called their names and they came running over and jumped into the back. Me and Charles hopped in front and he drove. It was only 9:30 but we knew that they dogs would want to be at the beach for while. Before he pulled out, he made sure he had the camera and the go pro to film while at the beach. He vlogged for a minute to tell the viewers what we were doing. Well, he talked and I just filmed him because he was driving.

We got to the beach around 10 and right when we opened the door to the back both dogs came running out and dashed to the water. Charles and I took our time to get there, we walked hand in hand.

"Gosh, its so nice out!" I said sitting on the sand when we found where the dogs had claimed ours.

"Yeah, the best day of the week, and not just because you are here with me." He said sitting down next to me, watching the dogs swim around. I leaned my head on his shoulder and watched the dogs as well. I was about to say something back when we heard what seemed to be a scream. We turned around to see two girls standing behind us with CTFxC shirts on. "Hey girls. Can I help you with something?" Charles asked them.

"Sorry to bother you but can we get a photo with you?" One of the girls said to him. I knew that he would never say no to that.

"I'm just gonna go swim with the girls for a bit." I whispered in Charles ear and got up and walked to the dogs who where still playing in the water. I swam out a bit and I could hear something from behind me. I turned around once the water was just in the middle of my chest to see Zoey, Marley, and Charles coming to me. Marley swam around me a couple of times and Zoey came right on to me.

"What was that about?" Charles asked when he finally out to me. 

"What was what?" I asked back.

"Why did you just leave like that? Do you have problem with them asking for a photo with me?"

"Not really but I mean doesn't it bug you? Trying to relax and then out of no where girls just come up and ask for a photo."

"Yes, it bugs me sometimes but I can't just say no."

"Why not?"

"Really Taylor!" He said raising his voice just a little bit.

"What Charles! You can't talk about this with me?! Your girlfriend!" I said back. We don't fight that much but right now I wanted him to be honest with me.

"It's not that I can't, it's-"

"It's what Charles!" I say cutting him off. I have no idea why I am getting so upset about this.

"It's that I don't want to do this, right here, right now. Why is this even bothering you so much?" He said stepping closer to me.

"Because every time that we have gone out it has happened."

"Okay, here's what I'll do. Today if anyone else asks for a photo, I'll say I am trying to enjoy the day with you. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Okay. How about we head in and film a bit?"


We headed in and Charles grabbed the go pro and started to film dogs a bit. He threw the ball to them in the water. We played some games on the shore. It was around the time when the sun was setting and we wanted stay to watch. We were both sitting on the blanket with our clothes on. I had my head resting on his shoulder and he pulled out to camera. The girls were laying down in front of us.

"Well, today was a exhausting day as you can tell by Taylor and the girls. We are still at the beach and we just had to stay and watch the sun set. I mean look at this. Look how beautiful this is to see." He pointed the camera at me. I didn't notice right away because I was watching the sun set. "Look at her internet, she's perfect. Oh yeah, sorry the sun set. I mean I guess it is almost at beautiful as Taylor." He turned the camera back to himself. "Alright good night guys. See you tomorrow." He turned off the camera and put it back into the bag. He looked at me and noticed that I was staring at him. He kissed me on the lips, I didn't want this moment to end. "You ready to head home?" I nodded. "Want to ask your mom if you can stay over my house tonight? I don't mind either way but I would rather you stay over.

We drove home and I texted my mom and asked if I could just stay over Charles' house because it would be really late by the time we got home and we were both exhausted. She said yes. I have stayed over his house before and my parents trust me enough to know that we wouldn't do anything, but it's not like they would care anyway, I mean I am 19. Is it sad that I'm 19 and still living with my parents?

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