Bringing The Guys To Warped Tour

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I had drove to Dean's house to meet up with all of the guys. To my surprise, Josh was there, I hadn't talked to him since he told me to go to hell. I wasn't mad at him for the comment, I could never be mad at him, he was like a little brother to me.

"Josh?" I said as I walked up to the the car that Dean, Sam, Hunter, Jake and Josh were leaning on talking and laughing. I missed hanging out with them but I loved hanging out with the guys in the band.

"Hey. I hope you don't mind but I wanted to see you and spend the day with you guys." Josh said, turning to look at me.

"Yeah, yeah. It's fine. Come here." I said walking to him to give him a hug. "God, I missed you." I whispered to him as we were hugging.

"I missed you too, princess." Josh said. He used the name that all the guys called me when I was being a little 'sassy' somedays and that I was the only girl in the group so I was their princess. It ended up them calling me it most of the time. I didn't mind it.

"You guys ready to go?" I asked as our hug broke. They all nodded, and we all hoped in the car. Jake was driving seeing that we were taking his car because it was the only one that could fit us all.

We got there and parked. Charles had gotten me a pass so I could walk in with the guys without having to wait in the line. We walked in and all the guys were calling me fancy and high class. I laughed at them.

"Alright, we are officially in Warped Tour! What do you guys want to do?" I asked the guys.

"Well, I came to meet Charles and see them play." Josh said. The rest of the guys agreed with him.

"So you guys want to meet Charles and the guys first?"

"Sí" Jake said.

"Alright, come on." I said. We walked over to the WTK tent so I could ask where the bus was and if he knew if Charles and the guys were on the bus or walking around. He told me where the bus was parked but had no idea about the guys. We walked to the bus, it was really hard to find out what bus was what because most of them were black. I could tell that it was the right bus because there was some paint on the side from first night. The guys saw it and asked if I pulled the prank, when I nodded my head they were so proud of me. "So I'm not sure what we are about to walk into and if it looks weird or is weird, I apologize now." I said, opening the door.

I walked onto the bus and was almost hit in the head with a soccer ball. I looked at Travis, Danny, Coley, Hunter, and Charles, who's faces were afraid of what I was going to say or do. Before I could do anything, Charles ran over and gave me a kiss. He saw the guys and didn't know what to do.

"Guys, this is Josh, Jake, Hunter, Dean, and Sam. This is Charles, Danny, Travis, Coley and Hunter." I said pointing to each guy as I said their name.

"I like your name Hunter." Hunter (from the band) said.

"Yeah, yours too." My hunter said.

"Are the girls here?" I asked. Travis walked back and got the girls. I hugged them all and then introduced them to the guys.

Charles said that he could give them a tour. I went with them to make sure no one killed anyone. The guys and Charles seemed to really hit it off. The first few times that Charles was stopped to take some photos, the guys were confused about it but after a while they understood it. Charles asked them if they cared if they were filmed. They said they didn't mind.

"Hey guys!" Charles said into his camera. "Taylor brought us some friends. This is Sam, Dean, Hunter, Jake, Josh and of course you guys know Taylor." He showed everyone down the line as he said their name.

We walked around a bit more before heading to the stage for the show. Charles was getting ready along with all the other guys but Travis. Travis was questioning the guys about me and about who taught me all my pranks. Josh looked down at the floor when Travis asked. I laughed at this, Travis then said so I should be slapping you for Warped Tour first day when I had paint in my hair.

"You got in their hair? That'r cruel, even for you princess." Josh said, looking at me.

"Princess?" Danny said, sounding really confused.

"Yeah, that's what we call her. Does she not act like a princess with you guys?" Jake said.

"No..." Travis said. Jake, Josh, Dean, Sam and Hunter looked at me weird.

"What?" I said

"You don't act like a princess with them?" Hunter said.

"No." I said.

"Wow." Sam and Dean said at the same time.

"Why princess?" Charles asked.

"Okay, lets just drop this." I said. "Isn't it time to go on stage?" I asked. Travis, Danny and Charles all shook their heads at the same time. "Well go anyway!"

Jake explained that I acted like a princess sometimes and I was always "sassy" to them, so they had to come up with the best name that would fit me perfectly. They came up with me being their sassy princess. I didn't want it at first but I let it happen after a while.

The guys went on stage after doing the cheer. Jake, Josh, Dean, Sam and Hunter all watched the chant, trying to figure out what they were saying. I told them what it was after the guys had gone out on stage. They played Just Keep Breathing, Friday is Forever, We'll be a dream, The story of your life, and finished with Check Yes, Juliet.

I was staying home for one more night so I drove home with Jake and them. They all said that they loved the band and that we have to go to Warped Tou next year, even if I'm not dating Charles anymore. They also said that Charles and I made a cute couple. I was shocked when Josh was the first one to say it, I was thinking that he was going to say that he didn't like us together. He seemed happy. I really missed seeing him and talking to him. He is really just like a little brother to me. All of the guys are but Josh is more than the others, only because I had known him longer.

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