First Night Prank

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        "So, is everyone clear on the plan. No questions?" Jenny said to everyone while looking behind her to make sure that none of the guys were behind her. We had just gone over our plan to prank the guys. They always prank the girls I guess during Warped Tour and they always think that the girls will not be able to pull something off on them. Little did they know that I grew up with a bunch of guys and was being pranked all the time so I had to get creative and find out ways to prank them back. They all ended up giving up on pranking me after my first one because it was a little to close to them getting hurt for their liking. I called them a bunch of babies and they tried to fight it but ended up giving in.

        "I found them!!" Danny yelled at the top of his lungs.

        "And now I can't hear! Thanks Danny." Jenny turned to Danny and said.

        Danny walked over to Lindsey and put his arm around her. "Anytime." He said back to Jenny, giving a little laugh.

        "Where are the rest of the guys?" Monika asked.

        "They should be here soon." Danny said, giving a smile that I was afraid to know what was behind it.

        About 2 minutes later, the guys came around the corner with huge ass water guns. When we saw them, we all started to run, but Charles and Danny were standing on the other side with water guns. They cornered us and shot us. The water was like ice cubes, straight ice cubes. It must have sounded like we were getting murdered by how loud we were all yelling. The water lasted about 2 minutes because of how huge they were.

        The guys started to laugh. I found the perfect time to do something.

        "Hey Charles. Come here!" I said walking over to him, with my arms open. The rest of the girls saw what I was doing and did the same. Charles knew what was going to happen right when I said his name. He didn't even look up, he just said no and started to back up and put one of his arms up to stop me from hugging him. That didn't work though.

        "Holy Shit! That is cold! Stop it!" He was acting like a five year old. "Fine." He gave in and hugged me back. He ended up picking me up and spinning around once. I let go with one arm when he put me back down so that I could see everyone else. We all talked while standing in the sun so that we could dry off before the sun went down because it was about to go down. We all ended up drying off and then going over to the bonfire that was going on. 

        There was a tire swing, and Jenny, Lindsey, Monika, Caitlin and I all went over there to get a good look of the place so that our plan would go right. 

        "I say we add a little something to the party." I said to them without even looking at them. I was looking at the guys over by the drinks, laughing about something that one of them said.

        "Like what?" Lindsey said. "Let us see this prank master that you are."

        "Okay, I wouldn't say I'm the prank master but I do love to do it." I said to them, turning around to face them. "Do we have any water balloons and paint?" I said and they all gave me a confused look.

        We looked for water balloons and a bunch of pain. When we found them we filled up 100 water balloons with a bunch of paint in each one. Then we put then in a bin and slipped it under the tour bus. We ended up changing the whole prank.

        "So let's go over the plan again. Lindsey and Jenny are going to run to the guys and say that I had collapsed out of no where. Hopefully all the guys will follow, and I will be sitting in front of the tour bus with my head in between my legs facing you guys. Then Monika,Caitlin will be standing here with the balloons ready to throw. Lindsey and Jenny are then going to come over and that is when you guys strike. But do not throw the balloons until they are all over to me." I finished going over the plan with everyone. "Any questions?"

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