Night out

697 27 10

(Emma Swan)

Tonight Regina, Snow and I are all going out for drinks. We're celebrating my new job and although it was okay, it kind of was less than I expected. I thought being a sheriff involves being on your feet 24/7, but I didn't move from my desk chair. There was no action what so ever and I guess that is a good thing, because that means the town is how it should be, no hassle no crime, and I am sure it will get better, but for now its not what I expected. However I will not tell Regina that, she and Snow has threw this night out plan in order to celebrate my job so I cannot appear ungrateful for the fact that they have given me this opportunity.

As I finish getting ready in the large home, I wonder where Regina is, she doesn't have work, maybe she is with Snow.

Regina: I'll be running a little late, I am dropping Henry off at David's, meet you at the bar?

Great, so all I want to do is see Regina straight after work but instead I have to wait for her and talk with Snow. Not that I have anything against her, I just haven't had the chance to communicate with her in a way to find out a lot about one another.

Emma: No problem, see you there, I love you x

I check my outfit one last time in the mirror at a side angle. My tight red body con dress hugs my every curve as my golden curls fall down to my mid back. I have very little make-up, just the little amount of mascara and lip gloss. I leave the house and drive to the bar to see snow already sitting at the bar with her drink.

"Hey Emma, Cong-g-gratulations" she stutters almost falling off her chair and throwing her arms around me.

"erm...thanks, how many have you had?" I ask a little shocked at the state she is in at only 8pm.

"This is my first" she grins, she holds up two fingers and hollas the bar tender over. "can I have two more of these please?" She points to her own glass and I only presume the spare will be for Regina when she gets here.

The bar man pours two into a very large glass, adding a lemon slice and a fancy straw before sliding it across the bar to my hands. I signal my appreciation with a basic nod and a smile and sip the liquid through the straw. Wow that's strong.

"You know my daughters birthday is coming up soon" she slurs attempting to start a conversation but her intoxicated mind state makes it harder to understand, but eventually I hear loud and clear what she is saying.

"You have a daughter?" I surprisingly questions, I don't think Regina has ever mentioned it and I certainly haven't seen her around.

"Had... I erm I was a very young mother, I was 15 when I fell pregnant, and 16 when I had her, my mother had just died and my father died shortly after so I didn't feel like its the right time to keep her. If I was your age when you had Henry then I would have considered it..." she lets out in honesty with her huffs and puffs.

"oh... i'm so sorry to hear, how old would she be?" I question, fully interested in all she has to say.

"25 now, it gets harder and harder every year, there was once I tried to find her but I couldn't so I just assumed she didn't want to be found." she shrugs and wipes away the single falling tear. "I guess every year around this year I just drink away the time until another year of her life passes without her biological mother. I mean maybe she has her foster family and adopted and that's what I hope, I just wish I could see her"

"I understand, I was the same with Henry"

"Except you got the chance to be back in his life" she scoffs.

"I'm sure your daughter does too, but maybe she doesn't know what to say or expect. I sure wouldn't from my biological mother" I reassure.

"Anyways, lets have some fun" she grins, wiping her stained cheeks and instantly changing the mood for better or for worse.

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