How is this possible?

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(Emma Swan)

"I'm your daughter" I let out through a quirky quiver. This is the moment of truth. This is where I find out whether or not what snow said is true or not. I just hope this isn't too hard for them to understand.

I look to Regina again, her face so confused and scrunched. I guess she's thinking what they will be two... and that is how? But Mary Margaret and David have stood silent and still like a statue for far too long now.

"Snow..." I trail off as I stare deeply into her watery eyes. She looks so shocked as she still confused. So I look to David in hopes he will be more cooperative: "David..." I stutter, but again he's the same. "Anybody..."

They both just look at one another in complete disbelief and then to my surprise they just cuff me up in a mother and fatherly hug, a hug I had only dreamed about hundreds of times as a child. Snows eyes are so wide, as her tears fall more and more while David just wraps his arm around snow and his hand fastened tightly upon the back of my head as though he never wants to let go again.

"Emmy" he breathes out as though his heart has finally found the function again. "You have no idea how much your mother and I dreamed of this day."

"Me too" I sigh with relief, I don't believe this experience could have gone any better personally. They have such a good reaction and finally, after nearly 25 years, I have a complete family and have an answer to my unknown question. 'Who are my parents?' Now I know, the two kindest people in town.

Again though, it's so strange how I met Regina and then everything fallen into place, almost like fate. First she brings me herself and the developing feelings for one another. Then Henry and giving me a perfect little family and now my biological parents that were in fact Regina's friends.

"How is this possible?" Regina asks, finally breaking apart our long overdue hug. I smile to snow and cock my head in the direction of Regina, suggesting we all sit down for this part.

I walk over to my Gina, sitting beside her, taking her hand in mine and tenderly pressing my lips against hers before I state how I found out.

"You see, when Snow was drunk with her first glass, she started talking about her young pregnancy and how she gave her daughter up and that her daughter will be 25 soon. Then it got me thinking... things started to match up, and maybe it was a one in a million chance, but I was willing to take that chance. Anyway, I'm 25 soon, I went through foster care, and everything she was saying reflected on my life. So I had to find out"

"How did you? I mean, how did you get the final confirmation" Mary Margaret asks as she and David sit hand in hand and intrigued in what I have to offer.

"When you asked to use our spare toothbrush, I got us both DNA tested and..." I hand over the envelope. David takes it and opens it and skims the black and white ink that confirms that I am their biological daughter. "I'm your daughter"

"I am ecstatic that we finally meet you and we can be a family. Better late than never, I just apologise we couldn't sooner and I am forever apologetic that you had such an awful experience in foster care because of us" David slowly lets out through his sympathetic tone but there's nothing anybody can change about that now. What's done is done.

"It wasn't your fault, you wasn't ready and I personally understand that from my experiences with Henry."

"But at least you got a chance from an early age with Henry" Snow beats herself up emotionally.

"Which is thanks to Regina, otherwise I wouldn't have this opportunity either" I shrug, looking down at my precious little boy and lifting him out of his bouncer and up into my lap. He squirms for a moment but soon snuggles into my embrace. "I guess now you have met your daughter and that will take some getting used to, and so will Henry being your grandchild" I let out.

"Oh my gorgeous little boy, I've always felt a connection since day one and now I find out you're my little grand baby" my supposedly mother takes him from my embrace and holds him close. "This sure is going to take some getting used to"

"Tell me about it. I'm still mind-blown" Regina scoffs with her wide eyes. "What if Emma and I get married? You'll be my mother in law." All of us laugh, all except Regina who seems to still be contemplating this situation.

"Emma baby, I am so sorry for giving you up there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and hope that altogether we can become a family. Even you Regina." Snow laughs. " I want us to have consistent dinners together trips together fun together and I hope we can put the past behind us and focus on the future for Henry's sake."

"I want that too" I confirm and watch as my parents and my son play together like this is all I've ever wanted. I'm always going to be flabbergasted by this situation, but I want to get through it and be the child with parents that I always hoped.

" anyway we should get going babe, I am pretty sure we still have things we need to do that we didn't get the chance to this morning" Regina winks and leans further into my side with a seductive smile.

"Oh god... oh god no... ewww" Snow moans and squeezes her eyes painfully shut.

"What is it? What's wrong?" David inquires.

"I've had so many conversations with Regina about... you know..."


"Sex... with... Emma. How am I ever going to get that picture out my mind" she shakes her head and giggles just as Regina does.

"Gross" my dad scoffs.

"Well I'm sorry, I never thought that my girlfriend will be your lost daughter" Regina scoffs in return, throwing her baby bag over her shoulder and preparing to reach for Henry.

"Actually... can we let him stay for another night maybe?" David timidly questions, as they both raise ready to say goodbye, but not for good this time. I look to Regina, silently asking her if that's okay to which she nods and replies 'sure' because I know she'd rather have the house alone for just her and I tonight.

"Well, I hope you make yourself comfortable when you stay, this is your home just as much as it is ours. I love you and I hope you and Regina have erm... fun" she shrugs but soon blushes and shakes her head. "You know what, this is awkward, just go we will see you tomorrow" she giggles. David pulls me into a hug, again which snow joins and tugs Regina In too.

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