Make a wish

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(Regina Mills)

"Regina... will you..." is she really doing this? I cannot believe we're at this stage where she proposes. "Make a wish with me" she chuckles holding up the 20 pence coin that shimmers up to me against the sun.

She stands to her feet laughing so I barge my whole body into her sending her tumbling on her feet. She wraps her arms playfully around my body and throws me around in circles as I squirm for freedom.

"Emma! That was not funny" I swat her away, playfully hitting her chest causing her to laugh harder. "I wish you would stop being a childish ass and be more of a mature role model for our son" I tease back again sending her tumbling and swaying from left to right with laughter.

"Be careful what you wish for madam mayor" she grins back with an eye wink. "You don't want me to be boring now do you?"

"There's a difference between boring and mature" I sass. "Now pass me that" I snap snatching the 20 pence out of her hand and flipping it into the pond with my eyes fastened shut. "Now go open the park so the public can use it too"

"Wait... what did you wish for?"

"Well it won't come true if I tell you now would it." I sass spinning around and walking away from the fountain leaving Emma completely dumbfounded. "Swan!" I yell, encouraging her shuffling feet to catch up with pace and unlocks the park gates to the younger kids as requested. Soon enough as we pack away our blanket and strawberry's and champagne into the wicker basket as all the kids come sprinting in and screaming their joy as the children trample the swings and slides with joyful screams.

That's when I notice Mary Margaret and Henry strolling down the path, with my sweet baby boy tucked tightly into his pram as his excited hands clap together when his eyes notice the park. Emma and I both go to the bench on the park and sit by snow as Henry plays on the small sand pit filling his bucket.

"How was your date?" She sing songs with a small little blush.

"Both good and bad" I scowl digging my hateful eyes at Emma Swan. How dare she mess with me emotions. I look back to Snow's quizzical look. "It was an amazing date, Emma couldn't have done any better" I compliment, slowly snaking my hand onto her thigh and squeezing some love to her legs. "But she is never serious, she's always joking about... like I like fooling around, we had a little fun in the park while everyone was shut out but then she..."

"Woah woah, I can't hear this now that I know she's my daughter"

"Yes agreed." Emma gasps as she burns crimson with embarrassment but I don't see the issue. It may be awkward while Emma is here, but there's not a single doubt that when she's left, I'll be telling snow everything. "Totally awkward"

"Oh come on, she was our friend before anything, it's nothing she hadn't hear before" I shrug my protest, in the middle of the motherly daughter feud. "Fine" I huff.

"Anyway babe, I should head back and get ready for work, I'm on a late shift tonight so I'll be home at 8pm okay?" She informs, leaning in, I kiss her goodbye and wave her off. She wonders over to Henry and kisses and snuggles him quickly before leaving.

"Anyway, as I was saying. I basically fingered Emma in the middle of the park, made her scream and sweat, but still she won't propose to me" I huff my annoyance, Mary Margaret instantly without a second to blink or contemplate the situation, she whips her head to me and shoots me her dagger eyes. "I mean am I not wifey material? I practically gave her what any lesbian woman would want, an orgasm in the middle of the park, a day to remember, a family, why can't we confirm it?"

"I'm sorry... did you say proposal?"

"Yes snow, keep up." I sass, seriously if she listened properly we'd be on the same page. "There was this whole romantic date. She woke me up by ... you know... going down..."

"Yes I know!" She snaps avoiding me from saying or continuing my speech. Which is good, because it's not really a subject to be speaking about in a park full of kids, so I keep my voice on the down low.

"So after we did ... you know.... I asked her what it was for and she stated, today was the day a year ago we had met, and that she was taking me out, so I thought it was a special date, it was an amazing date don't get me wrong, but then we went to the fountain, and she was telling me about how she'd wished for you and David to find her and everyday she would through 20 pence into the fountain and wish she'd be reunited with her family until the day before we met, before she left Boston with a broken heart. She had wished to have her own family, someone who will love her and someone to share happiness with, and now she thinks all of this is fate. Which is understandable given by the situation with Henry and you guys and everyone being linked to her, but anyway, at this romantic gesture, she went down on one knee, with my hands in hers." I state, looking at snow who is trying her hardest to keep up.

"Oh... my.... god... Emma proposed!" She gasps with joy, so I hush her tone.

"NO, that's my point. She didn't. Instead she picked up a 20 pence and asked me to make a wish with her" I roll my eyes and moan. "Then she laughed about it when she stood up, it wasn't even funny. I was stood there gobsmacked with my hands covering my mouth, completely overjoyed and she humiliated me" I grumble with annoyance.

"Oh sweetie, maybe you read the lines wrong"

"I didn't!" I snap. "She knew what she was doing and she done it as a joke."

"Do you wish she proposed?" She questions.

"I'll never know the answer to that, obviously I will marry her in a heartbeat but I can't rush her into things. She needs to be ready, I just think joking around about things like this is stupid, it hurt deep down but I masked my feelings well. I just want to officially start our family some day, sooner rather than later, before it's too late" I shrug, looking down at Henry. "No! Henry don't put that in your mouth" I sternly command, causing him to shut his mouth and pull his hand away, slowly dropping the gritty clump of sand gripped between his fingers.

"Before what's too late?"

"Kids, You know for someone older and happily married I would assume you knew how to keep up with these scenarios." I moan with an eye roll. "I love Emma so damn much and I am forever grateful she is with me, helping raise Henry and staying in my life, I don't want to lose her ever! I want to marry her"

"Then you propose"

"I can't do that, I need to know she's ready, I've told her before I would like to get married someday and progress with our family and she agreed, so this joke was uncalled for" Maybe if it was a different timing I would be more considerate and less hurtful, but because of the date, and the conversation and the moment it felt like the time was right, I was wrong.

"Let me talk to her..."

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