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a/n : have yall watch wakey wakey ?? and and dont forget to vote and urm c-comment too >< 


Jaehyun still couldn't accept the fact that she was dating someone she barely knew. It was barely 12 hours they met and she's going out with him. Jungwoo poked Jaehyun to wake him up from being in a daydream, or perhaps, a nightmare.

"Are you okay?" he asked with his soft voice. Jungwoo has a very very soft voice for a guy. He's just very quiet at times and even when he's loud, he's soft. Jaehyun heaved a sigh and took a sip on his coke. "I'm getting bad feelings over Hayeon's relationship,"

Jungwoo laughed, reminder; softly, at Jaehyun. "Why would you be worried of the relationship when you're basically dating her? Unless if you're a problematic bastard then I wo- wait, she's not dating you?"

Jaehyun nodded, face as straight as the light pole.

Jungwoo was about to lose his shit but Jaehyun pulled him down so he was sitting down and now frantically walking back and forth. "Well, she's dating one of my friends. Old friends. That may have changed for the past one year. Who knows, but I'm worried." Jaehyun said with such monotone that Jungwoo had never heard before. "Then.. why didn't you date her instead?"

"Are you crazy? She's disgusting. She's my best friend. So she's disgusting.. it's not like she's disgusting or whatsoever. Best friend. Disgusting."

"You cant even make up sentences without sounding stupid when you try to deny your feelings, this prove how stupid you are Jung Yoonoh." Jungwoo said, nodding at his own facts.

"Nobody calls me that. Yet. don't reveal it. Yet."

Jungwoo made a gesture of locking his lips and nodded. "But really.. what you gonna do about Hayeon though?" he asked. "I somehow already ship you guys a tad too hard. don't make the fans sad please,"

Jaehyun just shook his head at Jungwoo.


"Jung Hayeon!" Jaehyun called out and that made Hayeon to turn around almost an instant. "Who are you to call me by your last name? I'm Byun Hayeon. Since when am I Jung Hayeon?"

"Well, Jung sounds way better than Lee so why not."

"Excuse me?" Hayeon raised an eyebrow at Jaehyun. The boy just smiled cheekily and shook his head. He put an arm around her and continued walking. "So, is my best friend too busy this weekend to go out and keep me company for some weekends outing?" he asked as he looked at her Hayeon took a moment to answer and that.. made him anxious.

"I even go out with you during my ex girlfriend on her period mood swing. don't drop me like that Ha." Jaehyun said and that made her laughed. "You're being too clingy but okay. Sure. Where we going?"

"Start off with my bed. Because you gonna come over and bring some breakfast for me. I don't trust your cooking."

"You're a shit."

Well, the weekends started off with her going down the streets to grab breakfast at Mcdonald and brought it all the way back to Jaehyun's place. It was something they would do. Sometimes Jaehyun would come to hers, only when she's home alone. Hayeon was supposed to go out for movie dates with Taeyong but she lied saying that she has school project to be settle down during the weekend with Jaehyun. 

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