Chapter 1

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Hey guys! It's my first story. I hope you all will like it and I highly appreciate suggestions. Just let me know what you think of it! Thank you!
I hope you enjoy it!

Eva(she had long black hair tied in a sleek ponytail with brown big beautiful eyes) was in the classroom, lost in her thoughts while watching out of the window

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Eva(she had long black hair tied in a sleek ponytail with brown big beautiful eyes) was in the classroom, lost in her thoughts while watching out of the window. Her best friend Ahmet threw a cramped paper at her so she came back into the real world. She smiled at Ahmet and threw the paper back at him and a paper war started in the class. (Eva was the part of the most famous group of friends in school) she had four best friends(Ahmet, saat , sena and ferya) in her life who were her classmates and childhood friends. The teacher came in the class and he was the most irritating and rude teacher of the school Mr. Sinan. While coming into the class Eva threw paper that hit him right into his face and he got angry like a wild bull and whole class just settled down on their seats while Eva was going towards her seat he stopped her and started insulting her "Are u a child? Are u in a zoo? How can u behave in my class like this? Who gave you the right?" He didn't even give Eva the chance of speaking in her defense. "Remember miss Eva! I will never forget what you did today maybe you will get a "F" on your final exam for this because as you know for your college admission in Italy you really need an "A" in your linguistic subject and I am teaching you Italian" Mr. Sinan smirked. Eva wasn't having a good day today , she was upset for a week and angry (She was secretly in love with Ahmet but Ahmet was in love with sena) so she could not handle this insult and backlashes him "You know what i dont want a teacher like you to tell me what to do or what to not. Who are you to give me a "F" in my final exam... I will un register from your course and let me clear you,  I may not get admission in any Italian college because of you but now i think i should listen to my father and start learning French so i could get admission there in France and have my dream job there too" she took a deep breath while putting her things in the bag and left the classroom. Everyone in the class was shocked by Eva's reaction as she was a brutally honest girl, always ready to answer back people but she never misbehaved with anyone especially in the tone she used today. While walking through the hall, Eva was talking to herself "i did right... who the hell he thinks he is? I will talk to the head about him. Mr.Sinan the egoist bear huh..." Eva didn't even notice the guy (Tall, fair and handsome with charcoal black was Adam) who passed through her with a smile on his face while looking at Eva.

While in cafeteria Ahmet spoke to Eva and said "you should not have done that, A simple sorry was enough and you just ruined your whole future..." sena interrupted and said " Ahmet?? Are u serious? Didn't you see the way he talked to her "giving an F" she definitely did the right thing"? "Look sena don't exaggerate! It's foolish to risk your future for such idiots.. it was simply just a "sorry" and everything solved". "Oh ya right! You just think women should always apologize for even what they haven't done" said sena. "Uff when have i said men or women should apologize ?? I am talking about something else here i dont get it why u always behave like this?" Said Ahmet and war begin between senà and Ahmet. Saat and ferya came holding trays of lunch and sena angrily walked past them. They asked Eva and Ahmet what happened to her? Why did she go like this? No one answered. Eva just with her eyes told them to be silent.

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