Chapter 3 : If it was happily Ever After

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Days,month and years passed. It has been four years since eva left atakoy. She was living in paris. Berk came to visit her after every three months.

"What are you looking?" Eva asked berk.berk smiled and said "nothing! Just looking at you". Eva was wearing earings"okay then lets go". "Can't i stay" Berk said.Eva pushed him towards the door "No berk! I have to go for my project presentation"(Eva just finished her final exams and was doing internship at a fashion designing company)."okay then let me drop you there" Berk said while eva was locking the door.

"Dont forget we have a dinner tonight" Berk reminded her and hugged her "best of luck". "Yeah! Thankyou".

It was the most important day for eva as it was her first solo designing project. She had to present it in front of the biggest names of the fashion industry in Paris and if they liked it and she had been certified then she was able to open up her own store.She was nervous and took a deep breath but as she entered the room all her nervousness went away because she could only see her future as the Ceo of her own fashion designing company.

"Where are you?" Eva called berk after her presentation. "Iam just about reach! What happened? How was your presentation" Berk felt that eva's voice was a bit low. " I will tell you" as she said it. She saw berk's car coming in so she hung up. "Why are you looking sad? How did it go?" Berk said while she sat in the car."it.. it.. went" As eva was telling, berk couldnt hold it "Eva its okay ! If it didnt go well! I already told you i will help you open up a store". " Say's who that my presentation didnt go well?" Eva replied and smiled.She was just teasing berk." Oh eva!" He laughed and hugged her to congratulate. "Today is my treat" Eva told him. Berk agreed.

As they stepped into the restaurant, Everything was looking pretty and they headed towards the private dining hall. Berk let Eva sit first and then he sat. The dinner was served, they were talking and laughing. It was the time for desert. As the desert was served. The guys with violin came and started to play. Eva couldnt understand what was happening. She turned towards him and saw berk was on one knee holding the ring. Eva was surprised and berk said "Will you marry me?". Eva was confused as now she only wanted her dream to become true.She wanted to open up her own company but now seeing berk on knees,She didnt know what to do so she started crying.Berk stood up and calmed her "I know it happened so early and you werent ready" and the waiters and the violinists thought she was crying because of happiness so they started to clap.

there was Knock on the door.It was berk. He came in. Eva was in her bed. She sat up."hey! I know i shouldnt have done it" berk said while standing beside the bed. "No it was fine! I just got emotional because..". "Because you werent ready" berk didnt let eva complete her sentence and sat on the bed. "Look eva! Its not anything you are forced into. If you want it then its okay and if you dont then i can wait or i will back off. Our engagement four years ago was just a stupidity. You were hurt and i was alone so it all happened in such a hurry but now i think its okay to wait as since last four years our relationship changed in so many ways. I feel like home with you eva! And iam completely honest about it" Berk seemed to be honest at the time. He was holding Eva's hand. "Berk! Everyone left but you stayed and i honestly respect that. Iam not ready to marry for next three or maybe five years. I want to have my own company.I hope you understand it" she said while returning the ring that he proposed her with.
"And i respect it" Berk said while taking the ring back and kissed her forehead.

Phone rang.Eva picked the phone "Hey! Mom how are you?"."Iam fine honey! I just wanted to talk to you". Eva felt something strange in her mom's voice "Mom! Is everything alright?"."Nothing's right. Your grandmother isnt fine.It will be better if you come and meet her. Maybe she wouldnt live long" said her mom with melancholy.Eva got sad and shocked.(As it was her last day of her internship, She came to pick her internship letter and Her certification for yesterday presentation)."Mom! I have to go now! I will talk to you later".

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