Chapter 1

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Ryan's Pov :

Here I am can't believe I'm standing in front of the place I hated for so many years here I go about to start my first day of school oh god !!

I check my outfit :

Neon pink shorts with a black tribal print shirt and a tribal backpack ok I'm stepping out of my car

Suddenly I'm engulfed with stares and whispers I turn my hearing aid up to listen in this is what I hear

Who's the hot new girl

Damn nice ass

She's so pretty I wish I was her

I smirk and just start walking into school I go into the office the secretary glances up then blatantly says name I reply back Ryan black she looks stunned but quickly starts to form a schedule for me

This should be a fun day

I'm walking through the hallways and the stares continue

I go to the locker the women assigned me and through some of my books in their and head off to first block with mr.drake Johnson why does that name sound so familiar

I'm so anxious but I refuse to show it

I walk into the class room and instantly get more stares

Mr.johnson said can I see your schedule so I handed it to him he's skimming through than stops abruptly and says Ryan at that the whole class was not just staring but

Was filled with whispers

Some one stood up Ryan is it really you he said I instantly knew it was my older brother grant I just shook

My head yes

He Engulfed me in a hug and said I missed you so much it sound like he was about to cry I was instantly filled with guilt

I known was all I said keeping my emotions on the down low. Ok class take your seats said

Mr.johnson Ryan you can sit next to grant .

I feel like this is going to be a long day

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