Chap 2

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Ryan's Pov

The rest of the day went by pretty fast

With seeing more of my siblings and getting more stares I'm in my last block of the day and it's Ap science I skipped 2 grades in science I skip around with most of my classes to be honest

Finally the bell rings and I head out to soccer tryouts this year the teams coed

I walk out on the field in my Manchester jersey and matching shorts

There's only about 10girls hear and most of them look like seniors and about 30 guys

Of course the coaches are mr.johnson and some other guy who I think I used to know but anyways they pass around an attendance sheet

And everybody signs in the go through the list calling names and then stop

The one coach who is reading off names starts to say something then is stopped

When mr.johnson whispers something to him

He then strangely says Ryan black and I say here

Then the whole team turns around and stares at me

Umm hi is all I say with a weird face you can stop staring now in an instance the all turn around then Seth walks up to me

So where have you been is the first thing he says

I can't actually tell him what am I supposed to do now

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