Chapter 40

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By the time we arrived back at the compound the warn afternoon sun was high in the sky. The heat it gave off felt nice beaming down onto my skin, even through the cars tinted windows. I let my eyes drift close enjoying the rare moment of relaxation with the sun warming me, and Roman by my side as we drove through the woods in a comfortable silence.

The moment want ended for too soon, by the sound of the compounds iron gates rolling open. Not that I was sad to be back here, I just wished Roman and I had driven around for a little longer. Even thought we hadn't talked much on the way back, I was just happy being in his presence.

Driving down the main street of the compound which lead to Roman's house, I was still in awe of all the activity I saw as we drove through. People were just going about their every days lives shopping, eating and hanging out. It was still so unbelievable to me, that there had been a secret town within these woods, hidden away all these years.

A loud pleading meow sounded from behind me, bringing my attention to Pepper who was still in his carrier strapped into the back seat. I spied his food bowl through the little door, and noticed it was empty. God that cat could eat, I'd only filled his food and water bowl when leaving my house, and it was already gone.

"Don't worry handsome, we're almost there." I cooed wiggling my finger in his direction.

"I wish you spoke to me like that." Roman said from the driver seat, sending me one of his rare cheeky grins that had shivers running up and down my spine.

"You want me to speak to you like a baby? I'm sorry Roman, I'm really not into that." I replied flatly giving him a look of mock disgust.

"No! That's not what I mea-"

I couldn't keep it up. The look of horror on his face was too much for me to deal with, I burst out laughing clutching at my sides as tears quickly formed in my eyes.

A playful growl echoed in the car once Roman had realised that I had been mocking him, which only resulted in me laughing harder. However at the sound of Roman's growl Pepper almost had a heart attack. The poor thing started hissing in our direction, when I looked back to check on him I saw all his fur was stood on end, his eyes were as wide as saucers and his ears were pinned back flat against his head.

"ROMAN! No more growling in front of Pepper, he's terrified!" I scowled trying my best to turn around in my seat, in an attempt to get to Pepper.

"Inferior species, can't handle a bit of fun!" my wolf scoffed inside my head unhelpfully, as I tried my best to calm Pepper down from my position in the front seat.

"Sorry Emma, I didn't think." At least Roman had the decency to look worried. Unlike my wolf who continued her mocking of my pride and joy.


Once we pulled into the garage under Roman's house I immediately jumped out of the car. I began busing myself with unhooking Peppers carry crate from the back seat, more than a couple of confused meows sounded as he was shifted out of the car.

When I looked back up I noticed that three men were stood behind the car, that definitely weren't there when we had pulled in. One I immediately recognised as Leon, the others I didn't know but they all seemed to be waiting for something. I looked over to Roman who was still getting out of the car, with my confusion evident on my face.

"They're here to help carry your stuff up the stairs, more should be along in a minute" he said as he began to drag my suitcase from the boot of the SUV.

"Oh har har, I didn't bring that much stuff!" I protested earning a laugh from one of the men.

"You know Leon, this is Drake and Brett" Roman introduced motioning to the other two men.

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