Chapter 43

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We were in Roman's office and I was justifiably  nervous. Roman was finally going to give me the answers, to all the questions that I have had swimming around inside my head, since I had woken up here. But the only problem with that was that my mind had now gone completely blank.

I tried desperately to search every inch of my mind, trying to remember everything that I had wanted to ask Roman over the course of the past couple of weeks. But I just couldn't remember a single thing.

Roman was sat silently beside me on the sofa, waiting patiently for me to start. I tried to wrack my brain, to come up with anything at all but I was failing. I knew I should of wrote them down.

"Wow air head you're really wasting your opportunity here, and not to alarm you but I swear I've just seen a tumble weed roll past" my wolf mocked inside my head only frustrating me further.

"What are we doing about my parents?" I managed to throw out.

I heard Roman take a deep breath in whilst rubbing his palms on his knees before he began to answer my first question.

"Well, we know now that it was definitely rouge shifters. Their scent covered your parents back garden, where the fire more than likely started. Leon has put together a team to stay in town patrolling your house, and your parents' house just in case they show up there again" Roman said now running his fingers through his hair clearly frustrated about the situation.

"Thank you Roman, for not letting this go" I said as I reached out my hand to rub up and down on his arm, feeling his muscles ripple underneath his skin sent a single shiver racing down my spine.

"I will find out who is responsible for your parents deaths Emma, and they will be punished. Even if it's the last thing I do" Roman's promise dripped from each of his words.

I really didn't want to think about anything being the last thing Roman did, so I moved on quickly.

"So outside you mentioned about my first full shift, you also mentioned how I will be able to do more once this happens. What did you mean by that exactly?" I quizzed happy with my next question.

"Well you now have your wolf inside you. That you connected with when I turned you. But once someone has been successfully turned the next full moon they will go though their first full shift. You've seen me when I shift fully into my wolf right? You will soon be able to do that as well. Fully become your wolf. Once that happens your strength and senses will be increased tenfold, even when you're in your human form" Roman finished.

I could instantly feel the waves of nerves wash over me, and it took me and while before I realised they were coming from Roman and not me.

"Does everyone go through this?" I asked now needing more answers.

"Yes. However if you are born a shifter instead of being turned, you will go through your first shift automatically on the first full moon after your 16th birthday." he explained making me feel a little bit better.

If a 16 year old can do it, surely I can too right?

"No Emma, ask him what the training is for." my wolf encouraged inside my head.

"You said outside that you've assigned someone to oversee my training. What training?" I pressed knowing now there was something he was hiding from me.

"Emma I don't want to answer this right now...please" he eyes were now pleading with me, begging me not to press any further. But I had waited long enough, I wanted answers now.

"Tell me Roman, what training do I need and why?" I knew I was being hard on him but I couldn't afford to care right now, this was my life.

"Shifters start preparing young for their 16th birthday Emma, and we only have weeks. What I'm trying to say may now survive the shift" he said the last part so quietly that if it wasn't for my enhanced hearing, I probably wouldn't of heard him at all.

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