Chapter 29

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I was desperately trying to regain control of my wolf but it was difficult, her presence is like a tidal wave crashing over me, dragging me to the back of my own mind, taking control of my entire body within an instant.

I took a few deep breaths and began to push my own consciousness to the forefront of my mind, pushing my way through her influence was like wading through quick sand whilst being buffed by a hail storm, it is hard going but eventually I make my way to the front, my body now starts to respond to my own actions.

I feel my canines sink back into my gum leaving them tingling, I feel it when my eyes shift from the black of my wolf to my new purple orbs like a high definition film has been lifted from my vision.

My chest is heaving but I didn't know if that was from fighting my wolf for control, or the activities Roman and I had just be partaking in earlier. Once I steady my breathing I look over to see Chuck, he is standing in the door way frozen solid in shock starting at Roman and I. We are still sprawled on the dining room table, luckily Romans body is covering mine preventing Chuck from get a look at my naked top half.

I feel the temperature in the room drop drastically, the icy air starts to spread over my body raising goosebumps across my skin as powerful shivers race through me .

The cold suddenly disappeared though as my body flames in embarrassment, heat is now radiating from my face as I stare blankly at Chuck. I scramble underneath Roman trying to hide more of myself behind him. I look up at Roman as he hovers above me I notice that he hasn't moved an inch, I see his eyes are still completely void of his normal gold and his canines were still fully extended. Roman was clearly having a difficult time regaining control over his wolf.

"Our mate will defend us" my wolf spat in my mind, still furious about being interrupted.

"He doesn't need to defend us from Chuck, look at him he's terrified!" I scold her internally for being so irrational.

Another growl leaves Romans throat this one low and warning, I feel his muscles tightening against me, I knew Roman was coiled like a leathal spring ready to leap across the room at any second, his wolf not in the mood to care who he would be hurting.

"Chuck do not move!" I whispered knowing that if he moved so much as a muscle Roman would be on him in an instant.

Panic races through me as I realise this could end very badly for Chuck, if I didn't do something quickly. But this was the first time I'd ever fully come face to face with Romans wolf, without him being even a little bit present. I did not know how to deal with this at all, it was still very new to me.

"Let me help Emma, we'll have to work together if you want this to work" Relief washes over me glad to have my wolf back on side. I felt her consciousness push against me, more gently than the last time so I allowed her through.

I close my eyes allowing us to stand side by side this time, instead of just the one of us taking charge. A feeling of unity fills me as my confidence sky rockets. We could do this.

My wolf sent a low calm rumble through my chest, drawing half of Romans attention away from Chuck, and onto us still lay beneath him. My hand automatically finds the spot between his shoulder blades, I instinctively begin to draw small slow circles over and over again with my finger.

I watch Roman above me his heaving chest slows, specks of gold begin to slowly bleed back into his eyes. A small smile begins to form on my face at the rush of pride I felt, glad that what we were doing was working. As I continue tracing the pattern on Romans back I watch as more and more gold starts appearing and his muscles began to relax under touch.

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