grey fullbuster- new years pt2

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A lil late but ig 0of

I looked at grey as he looked at me, we stand In front of my door..."damn wished you could stay up longer"...i smiled "yea me to, but i have stuff to do early in the morning" it was silent until an idea poped into my mind....i smirked and blushed at the lewd thoughts that raced through my mind..."you know...the night doesn't have to end just yet" i said putting my hand on his chest....he blushed looking down at heart beating fast as i turned around to unlock and open my door...
' tf...did i say that..'
Thaughts raced thrugh my i finally opened my door...i walked in and turned around twords grey...he was just staring at me a slight blush on his cheeks...i walked twords him..putting my had twords his face...slowly pulling him twords me...until our lips met...our kiss was passionate.....he picked me up walking twords my couch..putting me down slowley as he drove his hand into my shirt....grabbing my chest as he explored my mouth once more....

His hands went to my back trying to unhook my bra...he grumbled being frustrated with the fabric....i giggled sitting up and taking it off along with my both slightly blushing.."so...want to continue what we didnt finished earlier" he asked...i looked at him as if he were dumb...i rolled my eyes.."do you have to ask" i said as i pulled him into another heated kiss..

His pants magically disappear along with mine...we parted for air..catching our breaths..his eyes filled with lust..i bit down on my lips...i lifted my knee as it rubbed his clothed member...he flinched then smirked...he leaned twords my neck and started to bite and nibble on me..leaving hickeys and marks....little muffled moans trying to leave my mouth...but it tortured grey not being able to hear my moans ...

He sat up taking off his boxers...then my undies...and quickly positioning himself...i giggled " someone's eager" he looked at me "haha funny" he said then with out warning he entered pushing his dick all the way my insides....i yelled as the pain wanting to take over but soon pleasure waved thrugh my body before he pulled back out and slamming back in. "~f-fuck...grey~" i moaned out..
He smirked

I clawed at my leather couch as he repeatedly slammed back and forth into me..."shit...(f-f/n)" he groaned as i tightened around his member...i felt him twitch inside me...his thrust staring to get sloppy until he pulled out and cummed on my stomic....i looked at him jealous how he orgasmed before me...
He sat up on the couch catching his breath...i pouted then crawled onto his lap...he looked at me with a flashed red face....staring at his eyes..."you didnt make me cum yet...please make me daddy" after saying those words, made him stiffen by calling him 'daddy'....

His member hardening again he amedietly pulled me onto his dick slipping into my entrance again...i moaned out loud as he thrusted upward making me squirm and the knot in my stomic tighter....gripping on his shoulders his hands making my hips colder..."" he cut me off.."do it with me" i nodded then after a few more thrust he laid me back down lifting one leg on his shoulder up going deeper hitting me spot...making me cum right after...he thrusted one more time then cumed inside me.."shit"
He cussed as he realised he released inside of me....i put my hand against his face and smiled ..."its fine" i whispered
He leaned in and kissed me before pulling out...

He picked me up and carried me into my bed...he layed me down and layed down with me...snuggling with me....
About to close my eyes i looked at him..." your cleaning that couch tomorrow".. he grumbled...."fine"
I giggled and we fell into a peaceful slumber...

~next day in bathroom~

I walked into the bathroom looking myself in the mirror...noticing the hickeys on my neck rubbing my neck until i felt pain on my hips...i looked at them.....

"Fuck" was all i heard him say

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