Chapter 9

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School. Also known as the worst place on the planet. A place where you often always want to avoid, but unfortunately have to show up to everyday. The countless amounts of people you'd like to avoid and never see again. However, due to school you are compelled to.

School has it's own nightmares. It's own type of omious aura. Everyone has their own reasons to want to avoid school. Sometimes it's because of certain people, maybe even teachers, or unfinished homework. Mine was a person. A very particular person. Mine was Zeeshan. Someone whom I deeply wanted to avoid.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I kept dreaming of the party and what had happened. I felt so ashamed that I could actually do something so sinful. It hurt immensely and I didn't know how to remove such guilt.

Deep in my thoughts, I got ready and I headed off for school. It was raining again, heavy rain. " Just Great", I thought to myself, sarcastically.  I checked my calender and saw that I had history first period. "Just great again", I thought; adding to the sarcasm.

I left my car in a rush went to History without meeting up with any of my friends. I didn't feel the courage or audacity to speak to anyone as crazy roomers were driving round about what may have happened between Zeeshan and I at the party.

I ignored the whispers as they were irrelevant to me and I pretended not to notice. Soon more and more people began to enter the classroom.

"Okay Maryam if he enters the classroom, pretend not to notice him at all and if he gets conversational with you, then start shouting, I silently told myself.

The entire class was full but no sign of Zeeshan anywhere. "Alhamduillah", I thought to myself. Just before I got too happy, the door suddenly burst open and Zeeshan came out of nowhere.

"Mr Malik how nice of you to join us again", Mrs Simons said sarcastically.
"Yes Sorry Miss, my car had some malfunctioning this morning", that deeply husky voice replied.

I didn't know why but although he was in trouble, he just seemed so attractive that it seemed almost impossible to make him get into trouble.

Miss Simons stared at him for 2 mins and then told him to just take his seat. I noticed then that he eyed me which I disliked.

"Pretend not to notice him Maryam",
"Pretend not to notice him Maryam", I kept repeating in my brain. I completely evaded eye contact and I continued to look away.

Finally he sat down yet I didn't say anything. I noticed that he moved his chair more closely than usual. I didn't know whether it was accidental or deliberate. Although, all I could smell was his deep cologne of sweet fragrance; which was affecting me really badly.

"Ermm", he slowly said. I quickly jumped and lay my head on the other side of the table, away from him. I didn't really need this right now and I didn't know why but his presence just makes me angry within and I feel really enraged.

I then noticed people whispering and writing things on pieces of paper about me. I saw a girl from the corner of my eye hold the paper and in big red writing it said... "Maryam is..." and around it people wrote things like "slut", "ugly","bitch", and it broke my heart. I silently cried to myself as I felt deep inner pain.

After literally ignoring him for the entire lesson, the bell rang which was a relief because it felt like the bell would have taken fifty years to ring, due to how long it was taking to ring.

As soon as it rang, I didn't even wait for the teachers instructions before getting up and leaving. The entire class watched and began whispering amongst themselves by my sudden outburst.

I ran as fast as I possibly could with tears swarming out of my eyes. I couldn't take the pain anymore and I felt like shit. Afterall how could people be so mean for no reason.

The hallway was empty and I continued to run as I felt like I was in deep pain. I ran past clasrooms, lockers but I didn't feel tired. I felt like I just needed to escape from everyone in order to feel any sort of peace and happiness.

Whilst I was running, I felt a really harsh grip on my wrist and before I knew it, I got flunged into the janitors closet, with my back smacking the wall and the presence of a huge body ontop of me in the darkness.

I didn't know who it was, I could only feel deep breaths ontop of me so I knew the figure was close. I couldn't move or anything as the figure had me pinned to the wall, so that I couldn't escape.

"Maryam", a voice whispered.
That voice sounded so simliar like I have heard it before somewhere.

My eyes exploded as I realised who that person was


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