Chapter 1

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I am running as fast as I can along the huge white sand grasping for breath yet I continue to run as fast as I can. He is waiting for me on the other side; I just know it. My love, my everything is calling out to me. I can see him in the distance, a shadowy figure. I get happier as I continue to run as fast as I can. Just a few more steps I tell myself, then I can see him finally. I have been dying to see his gorgeous face yet hopefully I shall finally see it. I continue sprinting as fast as I can then boom I fall right to the ground.

I quickly jumped up with swet sprinkling down my face. "Its just a stupid dream", I thought to myself. This was the fifth time I had this dream and I kept wondering why this dream kept repeating. I checked the time and it was 4am. "Damn" I thought to myself. I have school tomorrow aswell. I often worried before the first day of school especially when it was the first day of Senior Year. This meant final year.

Shit was finally going to change in my life and I knew it wasn't going to be for the better. All summer all my friends did was party and get wasted but I knew that wasn't going to be me. I just knew that I needed to get my act together and actually sort my life out.This included removing all the toxic people from my life who may have affected my high school life a lot. Anyway tomorrow was a huge day for me and I knew it had to go well.

I got up the next morning with a huge headache. I knew I shouldn't of had watched romantic movies last night as they always had that affect on me yet I didn't care. I got ready and applied simple makeup onto my face as I always thought "simple is elegant" and I hopped downstairs to eat breakfast with my obnioux family. Sara my care taker kindly gave me my breakfast.  Sara our caretaker is here to make sure we survive basically. This was mainly due to my parents never being home to actually look after my younger sister Layla who is four as they had "super important jobs to handle". It kind of hurt as my sister and I were always deprived from parents love but Sara made sure she made us happy.

I thought about my pathetic life and chompled down my breakfast. "You shouldn't be so moody Maryam".
"What can I be then, I feel like my entire life I have to behave a certain way for certain people, when can I ever just be me?".  "Maryam my love, you're a strong independent woman and I know whatever you will do in life, you"ll change the world baby, just have hope", Sara said. I gave her a smile as I thought I was being paranoid. "What if nobody loves me?", I suddenly asked. I have always had issues where I feel I need love or need to feel love. Maybe due to my parents deprivation and it made me really feel like I needed someone to fill that void in my heart to just warm up that sensitive emotion in my heart.

Sara gave me a concering look and held both my hands between hers.
"Trust me love, one day you will find a man who will love you just for you and will never leave your side no matter what. But just be patient until he comes and never let him go". She then gave me a huge hug and I hugged her back. I loved sara she was soo cute and my best friend since I was about 6. I knew i could count on her advice.

After finishing my breakfast, I got out of my house and entered my car to go to school. I always found it difficult to start my car but finally it switched on and I began my journey into school.
It petrified me deeply as I didn't know how it would be like three months later. How people could change. However when I got to school everything felt the same. Again a sense of paranoia was overpowering me again but I just ignored it.

I parked my car and just as I was about to shut my car door, my best friend Aqsah jumped behind me and screamed "BOOH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but I really didn't need that Monday morning. "Aqs wtf", I shouted. "Aww maryam I missed you", she then gave me a huge hug and I just sank into it. "Maryam how was your holidays?". "Shit", I told her. "mine weren't, I spent the entire time with my boyfriend" said Aqsah.

"Hey you know having boyfriends are haram right?", I asked her. "haha says the one who dreams about boys all the time, Aqsah rudely said back.
"Hey excuse me no I don't", i said in denial.
"By the way maryam when are you going to find your dream man", Aqsah said with a huge smile on her face. Aqsah and i had been friends since the first grade and not once have i ever had a boyfriend or crush on anyone wheras Aqsah on the other hand **cough** **cough***
Well regardless I have always been telling her of a future Prince charming I have been dreaming of, who for some reason I have never met and am dying to one day meet.

Just as I was about to answer Aqsah's question, I immediently bumped into this huge figure in front of me with immense force knocking me right ontop of him. My body banged a locker and my head thumped and felt like it was bleeding;  as I felt an enormous body ontop of me. I opened my eyes to see what happened when they met with huge golden eyes that were staring right into mine. Our faces were soo close yet our breaths soo heavy but the strange guy kept his gaze onto me and for some reason I was lost in his too...

....."Maryam", "Maryam"...
I could hear screaming in the background but my eyes began to feel heavy and all I could see was black


Heyy Everyone 👋😄
This is my First ever book!! I really need all your love and support
Thank You Very much xx

What did you think of Maryam?
Who was this mysterous guy?
Why did Maryam go unconscious?
What may happen next?
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